
wwoww wwhat

quadrants an s**t


prince of healthy dietin

wwhats up or somethin im eridan ampora but at this point i guess im baby spice

im EIGHT NOWW HOLY s**t but not gonna lie im kinda a total ******** BADASS
im a bit of a conquistador if im honest an i plan to start an all out genocide wworld on all landdwwellers because theyre all useless piece a shits better off dead
i mean irregardless a how pompous i may come off im actually a real nice sensitivve guy

people often get the impression that im some desperate ******** freak but dont listen to them
i just havve an appreciation for pretty girls pretty boys sometimes i guess but mostly girls
no buckets are not an havve nevver been funny
no i do not say wweh
shut the ******** up

oh also i LOVVE science an history in my spare time i balance chemical equations an read up on howw caligula made his army stab at the wwater or howw nero caused the burnin an dowwnfall of rome
ps ELAGABALUS is my favvorite emperor at the moment i edited my about just to say that
i feel its important

anywways im young i ramble hit me up or somethin

gay swimmers
2omethiing 2tupiid


no one wwill evver use the aradia card
also i think shes cute for some reason

vvery berry shortstack
i hate him but no blackrom
twwerk team banterbuddy

old as ******** but incredibly hot divva
due to havve hypothetical crabcake wweddin
really blushy an cute

just dance 4 buddy
one a my best slash wworst friends
youre finally on here asswwipe