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Venteux's avatar

Gender: Male

Birthday: 09/29


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MrYaoiSenpai Report | 05/07/2016 10:40 pm
ur-darkstar valentine Report | 12/18/2014 11:35 pm
ur-darkstar valentine
-pops head around corner- hello ...... long time no see..... how are you? .... I'm just getting in touch with everyone who I used to know here .... cat_sweatdrop
seaotter888 Report | 12/18/2012 8:57 pm
What exactly did you edit? emotion_donotwant
l Tharsha l Report | 12/12/2012 5:19 pm
l Tharsha l
Oiii, you poop.
Thanks for the kinds words lolol
Good luck on your exam ;D
When does it end o;
l Tharsha l Report | 12/12/2012 11:01 am
l Tharsha l
O: Lucky, i got 3 left.
1 tomorrow, 2 the week after.
Exams finish on 18th for me, so I'll be suffering till then x.x
l Tharsha l Report | 12/11/2012 4:33 pm
l Tharsha l
Err NO! That only works when i do it xD
LOL, How you been o:
Have your exams started yet?

l Tharsha l Report | 12/10/2012 6:35 pm
l Tharsha l

RyuShikyo Yagari Report | 12/04/2012 1:34 pm
RyuShikyo Yagari
owo yusss you shalll
RyuShikyo Yagari Report | 12/03/2012 11:38 am
RyuShikyo Yagari
woohhh time flies D: but anyway you should still DMS with me sometime :>
RyuShikyo Yagari Report | 12/01/2012 10:01 am
RyuShikyo Yagari
wuuuttt has it really been that long D: ?
l Tharsha l

Tharsha oddly standing in a corner