
Hullo there, I am the one and only Vessai. You may call me Vess.

I've been playing Gaia since '04, as my profile says, but I've actually been playing since... I think May-Augustish of '04. I don't quite remember when, but this is my oldest account that I can find / I know I made.

So, I guess I can tell you some stuff about me, since you're here.

Name: Vincent

Age: 15

Height: 175cm ((5' 8'' or so))

Hair colour: Dark brown

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Location: Canada, BC


Toxic Rainbow Cup Cake ((<3 ;D))
Anime / Manga
Yaoi pairings


All bugs ((Imma pansy, shut up. D: ))
Folding book covers
Damaged books
Misplaced locks of hair
English dubbing. I shake my head to you ******** VAs.
Lotsa other crap. ;D

Random stuff:

Toxic Rainbow Cup Cake is my gf, so step away 'cause I already got dibs. ;D
I have slight OCD. It kicks in on stairs, while I'm drawing, and writing, and other stuff like that. Lovely, ain't it?
I'm one of the klutziest guys you'll meet.
Draw my smexyful avatar with my Toxic, and I'll add you to my profile list and maybe give you a tip? =o!


Viewing 8 of 8 friends


Omg, a Journal. ;D

Hey tharr. Apperantly I can't just delete my journal, so I'll be fixin' this up soon. ;D



Viewing 10 of 10 comments.

Mew Mew Bubble gum

Report | 02/22/2008 2:46 pm

Mew Mew Bubble gum

with your toxic or rawr ;D
Mew Mew Bubble gum

Report | 01/24/2008 7:38 pm

Mew Mew Bubble gum

oh well you bi ness ish hot '_~
Mew Mew Bubble gum

Report | 01/19/2008 5:46 pm

Mew Mew Bubble gum

damn nice profile but why do you like yaoi? D: love me damnit
Mew Mew Bubble gum

Report | 01/13/2008 7:20 pm

Mew Mew Bubble gum

ah thats fine, I can wait! I luffles you ^///^ (heheh you no what im hehehing about X3 )
Mew Mew Bubble gum

Report | 01/06/2008 11:20 am

Mew Mew Bubble gum

luffels you ;D, your avi can be mah world ;3
Mew Mew Bubble gum

Report | 01/05/2008 6:27 pm

Mew Mew Bubble gum

hell yea <3
Mew Mew Bubble gum

Report | 01/05/2008 8:50 am

Mew Mew Bubble gum

Mew Mew Bubble gum

Report | 01/04/2008 3:18 pm

Mew Mew Bubble gum

I know im hot <3 this will be my main account ^^

Report | 01/04/2008 7:22 am


k hi
TH3 Demon Girl

Report | 01/03/2008 10:29 am

TH3 Demon Girl

omg your Comment virginity is mine <3


Look, some space to fill with my intoxicating words.


Draw me couple art with Toxic Rainbow Cup Cake, be added to my profile and get a tip? ;D