
The halls are quiet as you stumble throughout the Castle. Perhaps you wish to find the way out, or perhaps you wish to discover more; it matters little. There is something almost eerily alive about this place, this mammoth of a building, despite its emptiness. On some level, no matter what bravado you may try to show, it unnerves you. At last, however, you stumble through a door and into what appears to be a simple office like area. The walls are as blank as ever, and even the furniture placed here seems to be drained of color.

The only exception to this rule is the young man sitting before the desk, a pen held loosely in his hand. Pale blue hair falls over one eye, and it is the other alone which stares at you in faint curiosity. A dry sliver of a smile crosses his face. "Well," he says, voice quiet but polite, "it has been some time since I have found myself a visitor not restricted to a black coat. Please, do sit down." He gestures to a spare seat even as he himself rises to his feet.

"If you're curious to know," he begins as he strides over to one of the windows, "I am genetically Zexion, the Cloaked Schemer, sixth of the Organization and one of its founding members, Nobody of Ienzo Orosco." His face is turned away from you as he stares out the window, into the pale moonlight of Kingdom Hearts. "But only genetically.

"In the summer of 2009, for a word called Gaia, I and a few of my compatriots decided to unwind in some social gathering called the Prom. It was meant to be in relatively good fun, or at least as much fun as Nobodies are capable of. Unfortunately... Well, then, I had been under the impression that I was the original, back then. In truth, which I discovered, I was nothing more than a replica created by Vexen. I despite this, naturally." He says it so off-handedly as he looks back at you. "Most replicas despise the lack of originality put into them. I desired to be more than a mere mimicry; I still do, in fact. As it is, I am nothing more than a pawn to be moved about by others. Demyx, at least, had the good grace to grant me a name, however unoriginal: Rexion. Call me what you wish." He shrugs.

"It is a difficult existence, let there be no mistake. Still..." He turns around completely and leans slightly against the window sill. With Kingdom Hearts' light shining against his back, his face is thrown into shadow, leaving only the strange bright blue of his eyes to shine through... "I would be a dreadful kind of clone if I did not scheme an end to the ones responsible and escape to freedom, would I not?" His smile is the glint of a knife in a dark alley, and something inside you shivers.

This is a cosplay mule of James Phobos.

I occasionally cosplay as Zexion with Vexen (using one of the Bodyguards) or Zexion with Naminé (using the Enchanted book). Don't be surprised if I start talking with myself. |D

Dualism's Dissertation on Zemyx
VI of Organization XIII; Cloaked Schemer/Shadow-Walking Tactician

Zexion is the sixth member of Organization XIII, one of the original Nobodies who tore their hearts from themselves in order to experiment upon them. He is - apart from Roxas - arguably the youngest Nobody, though specific ages are unknown. Judging from appearances, most fans believe his age to be anywhere from seventeen to twenty-one. Zexion’s personality, however, is one of the most misconstrued of the entire Organization, largely due to the fact that, until KHII Final Mix, Chain of Memories was specifically for the Gameboy Advance, and a large number of fans never played it. He is often stereotyped as expressly emo; quiet, angsty, and emotional. This, as most of us know, is not the case.

Zexion, for all appearances, is the quiet sort. That is to say, he’d be more likely to listen than to speak. This is not to imply that he never talks; any of us who’ve played Chain of Memories know that when given a topic, he has no shortage of things to say. However, it is wrong to say that he is a blabber-mouth. Remember, Zexion is the Cloaked Schemer. It would be unwise to spend all one’s time speaking if one’s livelihood is dependent upon the gathering and evaluating of information.

Zexion is also the type who does not much like getting his hands dirty. His focus is on manipulation, and he is damn good at it. He is never fought in the original Chain of Memories for this specific reason; he’d much rather rely on wits and intelligence than violence. Remember, though - this is not to say that Zexion is weak. Many of us have seen cut scenes of Riku’s battle with the Organization’s number 6, and while his weapon is dorky at best, it kicks a**. He is not the most powerful Nobody, not by a long shot, but he is a Nobody.

One other point that must be made is that, while Zexion is unlikely to be the type who suffers fools easily, he is just as unlikely to blow an issue out of proportion. Sorry, guys, but that’s Vexen (who is awesome in his own right, and not a child molester [/rant]). The point is, he is not the kind of person who would nitpick, or who would dismiss someone completely. He is a schemer, and as such would not burn bridges between members. If one listens to his speech in Chain of Memories, it becomes obvious that he would very much like the Organization to work towards its goal - as opposed to killing each other off. This means developing a working relationship with everyone, and not just with other members of the original six.

In short: Zexion is quiet, you gotta give him that. He can also go on for entire sermons if he wants to. He’s very intelligent, and is not above using manipulation to achieve his ends; hell, it’s his forte. He is confident in his abilities, so much so that you could probably call him cocky, and it is this very pride that leads to his downfall. He’s not high-strung, however, and values rationality above subjectivity. You could very well liken him to Kyouya Ootori of Ouran High School Host Club fame. There lies a great deal of similarity between the two of them.


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 11/11/2010 7:06 pm


I honestly don't remember. I probably saw you somewhere else on the Internet where you had a link to your profile, or else saw you around on this site and liked your screen name.
Captain amBEER

Report | 10/13/2010 10:36 pm

Captain amBEER

*RECOIL VIOLENTLY* SHIIIIIIIIII--Why don't I have Lexaeus and Xion muses ;A; That, that um, is a very nice book you have there? ;A; *contemplates kneeling and praying*
Captain amBEER

Report | 10/13/2010 10:15 pm

Captain amBEER

...*cry from terror*
Captain amBEER

Report | 10/13/2010 10:01 pm

Captain amBEER

...oh god no one is safe ever again. D:
Anakha the Silver

Report | 09/06/2010 12:26 pm

Anakha the Silver

...Oh dear God. D:
Anakha the Silver

Report | 09/06/2010 12:18 pm

Anakha the Silver

...What does he want? D:
James Phobos

Report | 08/22/2010 7:39 am

James Phobos

Cool avi.
Not a Noise

Report | 07/25/2010 11:14 am

Not a Noise

I...have. Once or twice. It's quite nice.

...Who, Roxas? Yes, he's one of my...friends. More than Axel, at least...
Not a Noise

Report | 07/25/2010 10:09 am

Not a Noise

Indeed. And Twilight Town is...a really pretty place. Very peaceful too...and many of the Organization don't know where it is.

The few who know are...Axel and Roxas, really...
Not a Noise

Report | 07/25/2010 9:19 am

Not a Noise

...You don't have to. I...I was being silly. Don't worry about an apology, alright?

There's...always the chance that we could go to Twilight Town...hide in one of the many rooms of the old mansion...I don't know where else we can go, but...that's always a good place to start?


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Vexen and Zexion