
my name: I go by Elmo or KK
My age: 20
status: estranged relationship? its breaking down...and i feel like s**t.
Eye color: brown/black/red-ish( they keep changing these days)
height: 5' 6"
ethnicity: black and white.(wanna know what makes me up ASK)
Favorite Colors: black, blood red, silver, gray, hunter green, midnight blue

If you don't know my likes or my useless information by now, you never really knew me and you never really understood me.

If you don't know my dislikes by now you're not really my friend

Speaking requires talent~*~Life requires work~*~*Your mind requires training~*~*~

PS~ Never Save Me:

I am drowning in a shower of tears and I am drowning in a sea of blood.
Where are you? Did you leave my side at last?
Nevermore to enjoy the endless joy of your presence, you're finally gone.
I never got to say I love you, I never got to say I don't want you to leave.
Hopeless and clouding my mind with nothing but fear I fade away.
You're not there. No one's where they should be.
Its all a mess, there's all this pain and blood shed...yet there is no love
Oh where did you go? Oh where did you go? Have you forsaken the loved ones at last?
I am drowning in a shower of tears and I am drowning in a sea of blood.
Where are you? oh where are you? Did you leave my side at last?
Nevermore to enjoy the endless joy of your presence, you're finally gone.
I never got to say I love you, I never got to say I don't want you to leave.
Missing the pieces to my heart and its scattered all over the floor and I can't see them before my eyes
I look for you to guide me to them but I never feel your presence by me nor your warmth
Its only the bitter cold of the chilling wind and my aching death I see, I see and feel.
I am standing on the brink of insanity and the walls have closed in on me.
I am drowning in a shower of tears and I am drowning in a sea of blood.
Where are you? oh where are you? Did you leave my side at last?
Nevermore to enjoy the endless joy of your presence, you're finally gone.
I never got to say I love you, I never got to say I don't want you to leave.
There on the edge I stand frozen in time.
Deciding on the fatal fall is all that stops me.
Not you, not my beloved, the ending, the drawing end is all that stops me from closing my story
The sadden tale of my life, a small ode of nothing but insanity, love, hate, envy, and lies.
Yet I can't seem to draw the end near enough and I can't close the book that's too heavy.
I am drowning in a shower of tears and I am drowning in a sea of blood.
Where are you? oh where are you? Did you leave my side at last?
Nevermore to enjoy the endless joy of your presence, you're finally gone.
I never got to say I love you, I never got to say I don't want you to leave.
So in fear I give in I let the wind push the pages back and closed
I fall to my end and the ode of insanity won the game oh the world's a b***h
I owe nothing to man I owe nothing to myself all I've wanted slipped away
Life's a b***h and I am getting slapped too many times, I've had enough and now I am falling too.
I am drowning in a shower of tears and I am drowning in a sea of blood.
Where are you? oh where are you? Did you leave my side at last?
Nevermore to enjoy the endless joy of your presence, you're finally gone.
I never got to say I love you, I never got to say I don't want you to leave.

P.S Don't save me from myself.

I wish you'd love me.....~*~* I wish you'd never leave me......~*~*
I wish you'd see the real me......~*~* I wish I could fly.......~*~*......~*~* I wish...oh I wish. I wish. I wish.~*~*

~*~*~*~*~*~ Dreams of Dreamers*~*~*~
Climb out of the endless well, that you so helplessly fall in. Dream stronger~*~
Dream a dream of dreamers, dream bravely.~*~
Speak up in courage and pride, rather then to shrink away. Dream wiser~*~
Dream a dream of dreamers, dream happily~*~
Dance yourself away in the music and live your fairytale. Dream of love~*~
Dream a dream of dreamers of love, dream forever~*~
Cast away the thoughts of darkness, cast away the walls that bind you. Dream courageously.~*~
Dream a dream of dreamers of valiance~*~


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Poems, Thoughts,Sonnets, Songs

Poems~ I've written recently Thoughts~I have on anything and everything. Sonnets~ (that I've also written recently) Songs~ That I've written within the past year(and also songs from my band I think are pretty damn good ^_^)


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Report | 10/15/2014 1:53 pm


OOOKAAAY its offical. I've made the switch!
I am now on, IsoVicous91 FULL TIME! <3 got all my lovely things now...so happy!!!! ninja mrgreen 4laugh rofl talk2hand burning_eyes cheese_whine dramallama emo blaugh blaugh 3nodding 3nodding 3nodding heart heart heart


o_O....tickle me elmo....O_o

o_O....tickle me elmo....O_o