
Vickster's avatar

Last Login: 02/07/2022 4:48 am

Registered: 11/20/2003

Gender: Female

Location: Sweden

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My Pet WishList

- A female Toy Poodle named Nikita. (or any)
- A more sportish female, german shepherd named Cizzi.
Fourth Wall - A female German Shepherd. (or any)
SOA - Any! Just love my friends that hang around there <3
Talaye Meadow - Have always wanted one of these *__*

How active am I...

Posts per Day: 4.69

Total Posts: 35680

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Would you...

A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle.

Girl: Slow down, i'm scared.
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No it's not, please, it's so scary.
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: I love you, slow down.
Guy: Now give me a big hug
*She gave him a big hug*
Guy: Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself, It's really bothering me.

The next day in the newspaper, a motorcycle crashed into a building due to brake failure. Two people were in the crash, but only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the breaks weren't working, but he didn't want the girl to know. Instead, he had her hug him and tell him she loves him one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live, even if it meant that he would die. If you would do the same for the person you love, copy this in your profile.

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About The Girl...

Hi there.
My name is Vicky and here you can read a bit short about me.
Mostly cause the opportunity to add this is here I would figure.
Untill I can manage to make my own themes I will make use of others wonderful work, as you can see ^^ so many nifty ones to choose from >.<

Real Life:
Name: Vicky
Age: 20
Live: Sweden
Status: Single
Work: Working at Burger King ^^;
Wanna do: Study to become a preschool teacher

Gaian Life:
Name/Nick: Vickster, Vick, Vicks, Vicky
Age: 20
Live: in a house where no one knows
Status: just ditched fiance
Work: own shopkeeper

Really Wishing For at the moment

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Whats going on...

In Life Right Now
Surprisingly alot like normal. With my mom gone I am much sader than I used to be, but I also find myself try to do more with life... you never know when it will end.. So I have met friends which I havent in ages, spent more time with dad, sis and grandparents.. so.. well.. at least Im not alone?

~Practising drawing! Boughts lots of books for it too >.<
~ Me and Pi-Sama is fixing up this lineart we wonn a while ago. Hiring people and all that. Check that out here at Kome-Tachi Hiring Thread.
~Starting up serious Dcorp Quest for mah puppeh <3

Pet in spotlight.. need a space for that of course ^.~

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Vachell is mostly a very calm and kind guy, but he has a darker side that gets developed more and more by time. He has a secret desire to rule and always be right. He love studying, getting good grades and solve hard puzzles. But if you once become his friend he wont give up on you.

Art of today...

Art In Spotlight

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View Journal

Vicky's Pixelated Thoughts..

Hard to say.. just write down thoughts, things that cross my mind for the moment, maybe a link, my pixelated life and also some of my irl life storys ^^


[u:8c988cbc5e]Vicky is:[/u:8c988cbc5e] Taking Various Art Comish/Reqs
Kome Tachi: Hiatus[/center:8c988cbc5e][/size:8c988cbc5e]


View All Comments

xXPaco_the_vampireXx Report | 11/27/2008 6:39 pm
hey try this out!send this comment on ten profiles then press f5 to get 10,000 gold!
Dem0lished Report | 12/09/2007 6:17 pm
hey ...
Catera Report | 07/15/2007 9:29 am
User Image
satanchild Report | 07/07/2007 2:13 pm
Hey! *hugs* how you doing?
satanchild Report | 03/31/2007 4:36 pm
Hey! how you doing? Good luck on that! *snuggles* How's life?
Kapitein Logica Report | 03/31/2007 2:43 am
Boo :3
satanchild Report | 03/02/2007 7:25 pm
honey-4-u Report | 11/10/2006 2:36 am
hi nice profile
satanchild Report | 11/03/2006 1:33 pm
Hey, how you doing sweetie. I miss you very much and wish we could talk. I hope your MSN is up and working soon.
Squall83 Report | 10/22/2006 10:34 am
As u can see may body and soul are cursed and dead with a black helo