
Hello! Please make yourself comfortable, and I'll be back with some refreshments. What would you like? Water? Tea? Milk? Wine? Juice? What about some snacks? I'll get you anything you'd like!
O-oh, you just want to know more about me? Well, I'm nothing special, really... My mum is a celebrity and kind of a whoreI come from an average English family, born and raised in Canterbury, England, which is several miles to the southeast of London. How I came to be in Berlin isn't that big of a deal. n_n;; All I know is that I'm happy here because I finally have some real friends! N-not that I didn't have real friends at home I really didn't, people just used me for my money and fame.
...I-I think the cookies I put in the oven are burning! -scurries off- ;;;;;