
Quick Reference

Name: Jeszy
Age: Seventy years, appears to be in her early twenties.
Race: Feol Viera (sub-branch of the Viera, mix between a viera and an aegyl.)
Appearance: Because she is a Feol Viera, Jeszy has shorter ears, smaller feet, and her fingers are actually very tiny. Even though she is seen as an abomination, she is blessed with silver, white hair.

Jeszy has no relation to Feolthanos or any of the original Feol race. She was born from a completely different Viera mother, and her father was a completely different Aegyl.
Her parents love didn’t last long and soon after the baby Feol was born, the run away lovers found their differences too great. They separated. Due to the elope, Jeszy’s mother was banished from the Eruyt Village and forced to try and find a place among the Humes. Unable to handle herself as well as her child, she was forced to leave her baby on the porch of a Hume couple.
Coincidently, this couple were unable to bare a child of their own, so they happily took in the baby Viera.
Naturally, Jeszy outlived her Hume parents and moved on, on her own. As of now she travels Ivalice alone.