My Story

I am Mewtwo, the Most Superior Psychic Being in the world. My Story, I was Cloned form the DNA of a Mew fossil, the rarest Pokemon of all. I found out I was nothing more then a specimen to the humans that created me. They cared nothing for me. Enraged, I destroyed the Laboratory. Later on, Team Rocket's Boss Giovanni found me. He gave me a Metal Suit, to try and Control my Powers and turn me into his Ultimate Weapon. I Escaped and built My Fortress on New Island

The Future Me
King of Pokemon and Humans Alike
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Total Value: 1,592,684 Gold
After Exclusions: 1,532,594 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Dark Elf Potion (purple)
Dark Elf's Circlet
Alruna's Rose 8th Gen
Purple Juggling Ball
Blue Dragon Tail
Celestial Wrap
Seracila Pendant 4th Gen.
Purple Tabibito Coat
Cheshire Cat Paws
February Birthstone Crown
Purple Tattered Hakama
Cheshire Cat Toes
Oculus Magica
Split Fuschia Socks
Protective Nightlight

The Story Continues...

Well During My travels I came across a young male pokemon, Cacturne. He has ambitions of Becoming an Adventure and treasure hunting, But I saw what was in his mind he wants to be a Great Thief and Tomb Robber. So He joined up with me. I would help him on his journey. After More travling I met a very haunting female pokemon. Goes by Mismagius. She is a Witch of sorts and a Ghost as well. She wants to improve her Magical Capabilities. So we all Started up a Group, The Gastly Shadow Mystics. A group for all Ghost, dark, and Psychic Types to come and be Accepted. In the Surroundings of Lake Acuity we came across a Snowy Beauty female pokemon Yukimenoko(Froslass). She had been alone for many years she joined my group right on the spot.


Vile_Mewtwo's avatar

Last Login: 12/07/2021 4:27 pm

Registered: 07/25/2007

Gender: Male

Location: New Island

Birthday: 02/28/1989

Occupation: The World's Strongest Pokemon


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Gaia Astrology

Lastly, those born under the Cauda Diaboli constellation, the devil's tail, often have the meanest streak of all. Wicked and cruel by nature, they laugh at things they really shouldn't laugh at, are known to start fights over trivial issues, and love to be the center of attention. Often intelligent and sharp witted, they usually use their smarts only for themselves and always have a nasty barb to spike any poor stray that steps into their domain. Besides all that, there is some good to them. They can (in rare times) offer sound (though harsh) advice, and they usually follow the rules in the loosest of ways, so even when they're being bad it's bad within acceptable limits. They can be very reliable friends, so long as you can stomach the punishment they dish out. They don't take anything seriously, so you shouldn't take what they say seriously either, or so they figure. You could argue that they're playful rather than nasty, but you'd have to have some concrete evidence for anyone to believe you...



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GameBoy420 Report | 05/15/2016 9:57 pm
well hello there
alpof5 Report | 11/09/2010 6:43 pm
Thanks for buying Please come again biggrin
Totrue-Tufaar Report | 11/06/2009 8:22 am
Might one such as you self be interested in this? I can almost gaurantee a worthy rank, prestige, and excellent connections. Not my own Guild, of course. I am merely a messanger.e
GameBoy420 Report | 07/22/2009 11:38 am
not much just visiting family in illinois lol
im going to cut my hair soon too
GameBoy420 Report | 07/19/2009 8:42 pm
hey lol yeah it has huh lol
ive been good how have you been?
npladybug99 Report | 04/10/2009 6:12 pm
nuthin much wately wat abwout yous?
npladybug99 Report | 04/05/2009 4:57 pm
aww thankies. you do too
Lushin Wolf Report | 03/17/2009 7:27 am
cool my b-day is next month
Lushin Wolf Report | 03/12/2009 2:09 am
ah oh whats been going on with you?
Lushin Wolf Report | 03/08/2009 12:29 pm
i dont know about that. if i had abunch of gold i would know if i spent it or not...but of corse im something of a horder

Peaceful Mewtwo

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  • Peelunger Pounder[120]
  • Gramster Gladiator[121]
  • Lawn Gnome Clipper[122]
  • Lawn Gnome Mower[123]
  • Pink Flamingo Fighter[125]
  • Pink Flamingo Hunter[126]
  • Mushroom Cannon Thumper[128]
  • Air Fluff Deflater[131]
  • Garlic Picker[134]
  • Skeeter Squasher[137]
  • Laceback Bootsnake Skinner[140]
  • OMG That Hurt[143]
  • Clutch Holder[146]
  • Taiko Drum Banger[152]
  • Goof Course[221]
  • Gnoman's Land[222]
  • Durem Blockade[224]
  • Hallowed Ground[246]
  • Ranch Hand[250]
  • Barton 3[251]

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We Are...The GST, The Gastly Shadow Mystics