
Hm, well I suppose it's about time that I reveal a bit about the person behind the avi. Or as much of it as I want you to know.

So I'll let you guess the gender, reveal that I'm soon to be eigtheen and am totally pathetic.

I'm a literature lover, no not the stuff like Camus or Kafka (since that's still above my level of understand-I AM southern after all) but things like Letts, Matheson and Capote. I have a habit of preferring characters to real people and have found that more sympathy is geared towards the pages than to real life.

Aside from writing, I have two passions and a few hobbies. My passions you ask? X-Files. Mulder and Krycek luff <333 Or It Takes A Thief. John taught me all I know about breaking into houses ^_^

Hobbies mostly linger around the creativity section. Writing's a big one and drawing. Together they usually go hand in hand. Drawing the characters, what better way to combine them? Worship thy Vince, love the Daodon and fear the secure-in-his-sexuallity Disoto. (My heart goes out to all of them! I miss you!)

I do have a boyfriend whom I love very much.User Image (He's the Gay Pride Fairy <33 ) Ugh, now that the sappy moment's over with! I also know that he has a Gaia wife! Whom is being stalked by me for my only purpose in life is to live up to the fact that red heads have horrible tempers and green eyes mean instant jealously. So far I'm sure I've done a good job.

Pets? I have two, one of which is a fat kitty that has to stay outside but I have another! This is a photograph of the elusive Fox! The crafty kitty! The pic is small and dark but it's the only one on record!

User Image

Music? Thrice. That is all there is. Thrice and sometimes A Perfect Circle for when I wish to be depressed.

Actors? Tom Cruise and Keanu Reeves. (Pst. I just revealed my secret identity(s) >> ) Put together and you get Tom Reeves! Or Keanu Cruise! Either way works. It depends on the day really as to which combination I use to defeat the evil Brad Bacon or Kevin Pitt.

"Ramone does not understand!" That's right. He doesn't.

Koehven believes the president is Harrison Ford after the movie AirForce One. User Image

Gaf is actually f** spelled backwards.

Everyone knows that it takes a real man to wear pink. But it takes a brave man to wear a purple dress with sandals.

And yes, my profile is there to hurt your eyes. Fear meh (:


Viewing 11 of 11 friends


Lies From A Disgruntled Architect

A conception of lies and fear from the heart of one Gaian to another.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

cool nights

Report | 05/14/2012 3:19 am

cool nights

Nice Sig!

Report | 05/10/2012 9:28 pm


We haven't talked in forever.
-points down-
That rainbow glory?
Is me.
Yeah. <x<

hiiiii. How're you? o3o;

Report | 12/29/2011 8:30 pm


God dammit, this thing's old! What? Five years?

Report | 05/29/2011 12:03 am



Report | 11/30/2010 6:39 pm


MSN keeps dying! I added you on my other one. ><

Report | 10/03/2010 9:34 am


I may have told you this already, but I love your sig with a passion. : D

Report | 08/06/2010 6:16 pm


-runs away-


And yes, my RPness is really random lately, but I'll figure something amazing out!
....At least, I'll try to make it amazing!

And, and, I wanna buy you something.
Not gaia something, real something!
But, I wouldn't know what to buy.
Hint, hint.

Report | 07/19/2010 4:41 pm



Report | 06/18/2010 11:16 am


LOL, cute boyfriend. ;D

Report | 04/23/2010 10:52 am


Happy Birthday, baby. ;D


[i:0a0e0c1da9]Dear Ken,

I'm in pieces over you. Why the cold shoulder?

