Me love it or hate it ♥

Hey I'm Danny,
Firstly I hate people who think their better then everybody else.
I also hope that if you are a 40 year old creeper leave now!
I will protect my friends and family from complete a**-holes,
I never cheat on my Boyfriends and I never break my promisses.
I'm courently Single but not sure if I want a relationship.
I'm 16 @ SJT and couldn't be happier!

I love alot of things mostly my dog (Kahlua) who is adorable and my Cusins dog (Chester) who is my baby boy!
I also love my Friends:
and Lindsey
I hope that you can get that I do care what people think and I don't want to be put on the spot for s**t I didn't do!
If you toke the time to read this awsome if you didn't your probably a 40 year old creeper!
