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violation_inexplicable's avatar

Gender: Male

Location: Oregon

Occupation: Funkapsychedelicatrippyeuphoricaneer


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Karate Kid

Write about myself:

uhh, well.... I recently got sponsored for snowboarding.... uh, I long board, play bass and guitar, I do participate in illegal activity, aaaaand I tag alot.

Anything else you wanna know random internet people?


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FlyingPaperKite Report | 10/12/2008 9:04 am
Noah, you must somehow magically appear.
Because I do miss you, very indeedily.
Misa and Remu Report | 05/05/2008 7:37 pm
User Image
...So come join too!
You are invited to Misa and Remu's Prom Group!!!
More deets if you PM!!!
BloodySnakeBites Report | 05/04/2008 11:57 am
It's been so long since I've been here. Since i got out of the habit i never really felt that obsessive urge to be here for no reason XD my new obsession is vampirefreaks and myspace(this not so new but still an obsession). so how r u doing? I hope you are well. ^^
MissImmigrant Report | 04/26/2008 4:28 pm
Skimble-Skamble Report | 04/22/2008 2:18 pm
Where are you??????
-iwantyoubleederss- Report | 04/17/2008 8:35 am
haha no problem i loved talkin to you
you were fun=]

mkay ill put up the clash only cuz you want me to haha

mightyyyy Report | 04/15/2008 3:17 am
Meh, they're coming down slowly. I'll live. lol
mightyyyy Report | 04/07/2008 8:04 pm
I know exactly what you mean. Loads of s**t going on over here too. How are your stress levels? At a high I'm guessing?
BloodySnakeBites Report | 04/07/2008 9:50 am
I'm nice to u cuuuuz um I dunno. I like yew. Besides I dun care bout the tickets. XD I do it for shits. Eih I haven't been on much cuz I'm dealing with alot of crap. Just this friday my mom kicked me out for refusing to do my chore cuz i was sick to my stomach. XD Eih ooh well. I miss talkin to ya.
mightyyyy Report | 04/04/2008 9:50 am
And pray tell, what sort of stress?

I have board skillz

I scoff at good views

dream girl

dream girl