
~Loves 2 Tango~
is MY best friend! MINE Back off BETCHES!

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♥ ABOUT ME [english]

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Hi, if you aren't into Japanese(Or highlighting the page) then I guess I will introduce myself in English as well. My name happens to be Amye. I'm from Canada, but am going to a University in the USA. I am Asian, for some reason everyone wants to know this. Anyways, I love eating, sleeping, watching movies, and intercourses of many types. My best friend is Mika, she is not your best friend, no matter how hard you try. & I'm not sorry about it either. I am not talented or special, but I like to pretend I am to get my way(aka, parents he he). I hate liars. I really really hate them. If you're lying to me, I will know. I've been around too long not to be able to tell. I don't bring it up to you? Most likely, no. I don't have time to deal with silly pre-teenie Gaians that are just looking for attention and drama. Enough of that. I have been here since 2004 on various accounts. I most like to hang out in Mini Shops, Profile Discussion, Q&A, GD and Lifestyles. Or, well I go where ever really. Oh yes, one last thing: If you didn't know...
I LOVE Hello Kitty.
I have watched Hello Kitty on tv since I was a baby.
Hello Kitty isn't just a fad to me.
I did my senior research paper on her.
I know her history, inside out.
And, no matter how much you think you love her more
It isn't possible.
The End.

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My best friend (Who does not have 8 chins and 2 upper lips)
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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.be JEALOUSUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

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♥ 私[japanese]
やっほー!私の名前は愛美キンズで、好きな食べ物ゎパイですUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.2004年の8月からGaia使ってるょUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.学校ゎ今Mishawaka高校4年生なんだけど、早く開放されたいょ!あははUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.兄弟ゎ、岸本はるなってお姉ちゃんがぃるょはるなゎまぢセクシーだょUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.かっこぃーしUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.はるなゎPOMSってぃう部活ゃってて、ぁとベリーダンスもゃってるょ。しかもはるなの料理ゎ最高だょ!はるなダイスキーUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.だから誰も手出しちゃダメだょー!シャー!!!笑
好きな音楽のジャンルゎポップで、日本、韓国、ロシア、フランスの音楽を聴くょ好きな歌手ゎ、t.A.T.u、IIona Mitrecey, Bump Of Chicken、 Placebo、ぁと Evanescenceだょ。ラマラマダックー!女サイコーUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.男なんてダメダメだょホモゎ別だけどね!!まぢホモ最高ー自分もホモになれたらなぁって思うょUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.まーとにかく、自分ゎこのプロフィール気に入ってるょSaeが作るプロフィールゎ世界一だょ!User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Saeちゃんサイコーピクルスゎフワフワしてて楽しーょUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.自分もピクルスぐらい光ってたらいいのになUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.ピクルスピクルスピクルスー!

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Old Stuff^^

HI HI! My name is Amyekins and I like pie. I have been here since August 1st 2004 on another account. I am a senior at Mishawaka High school, and it will be good to be free>:3 bwa ha ha! I have a sister named Haruna Kishimoto. She is VERY sexy. She is so cool too She is in POMS and Belly dancing. She is also the best cook EVER! I love her so paws off>: O hissss!. I like J-pop, K-pop, Russian, and French music. My favourite artists are t.A.T.u., Ilona Mitrecey, Bump Of Chicken, Placebo and Evanescence. LLAMA LLAMA DUCK! Girls are awesome. Boys suck. I LOVE GAY BOYS THOUGH! Gay Guys are SO COOL! I WISH I WERE A GAY GUY! Anyways, I love profiles. Sae makes the best profiles in the world>: P SHE IS AWESOME! Pickles are so fluffy and fun. I wish I were as shinny as pickles are. PICKLES PICKLES PICKLES!
Likes:Music Profiles Japanese Swedish Food Sleep Chocolates Food Pickles Penguins Food Sleep Sleep Shinny things Fluffy things Pretty things These things Those things Yummy things Comfortable things Edible things Kitties
Dislikes:Mean People The word, "trash" ewww People over 40 kissing x.x;; Gross stuff Blah blah I am bored;-; ok I have finished goodbye

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Viewing 1 of 1 comments.


Report | 12/02/2006 10:22 am


Ooh. Odd layout. I enjoy it. Very much pretty. <3

*Random person commenting, because the signature told her too.*



Profile Comments? ;-;
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Robot, robot, robot,
Ya tebya lyublyu, my tak khoteli