Voldemort Point Two

Voldemort point two's avatar

Last Login: 09/30/2021 8:20 am

Registered: 04/09/2004

Gender: Male

Birthday: 06/20/1994

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Posts per Day: 1.54

Total Posts: 11534

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Things you need to know if you're stalking me

Okay then, facts about me:

-I'm a guy
-This is my profile
-I'm sixteen.
-I'm writing a novel... word count and link in sig. Review? 3nodding
-I'm currently in year 12 in sixth form, studying Psychology, Chemistry, English Language and French A2 (cause I did AS last year).
-I'm lactose intollerant. D:
-I'm a troll, but I only troll racists, homophobics, obsessive Christians and people like that.

I love:

I hate:
-People who say one thing and do the other... yes, that sometimes includes me.
-People who discriminate for no reason (e.g. age, race, sex, religion, sexuality)
-Homophobic parents.
-Homophobia in general.
-The Conservatives (see above).

My Playlist


There's no justice in the world, and there never was.


What previous stalkers have said

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Haven923 Report | 06/21/2011 8:12 pm
maya azzy Report | 04/17/2011 5:48 am
maya azzy
I shall say hello the next time too. x3 Mind, I am always on msn from my phone, so yeah. ~addict~

Awww. So much revising, dang it. But you're a total smart-a**, you'll be fine.

Eh, I'm tiny - I'd fit into a closet easily.

You can revert them, I hope. And I get you said the karate thing as a joke, but.. none of them will actually get violent will they? o_o

Thanks! Need the luck.

Oh, no - I'm resitting an exam I did in November. x3 I got a D, hurrah. They didn't let me resit in January. But then I got an A* in the next exam, so now they have to let me resit.

I hate science. I know you do Chemistry A Level. Respect for that. 3nodding

Oh my God, that's one heck of a timetable. Exam on your birrrrthday?!

I'm too lazy to work hard. But I'll do my best. User Image
maya azzy Report | 04/17/2011 5:23 am
maya azzy
It's okay! x3 And yeah - notice you on msn all the time but I am so lazy I never say hi. =u='

Good luck on your exams. A Levels are scary stuff, man.

Real closets aren't hard to step out of. I don't know why I said that.

But yeah - no one in your youth group has shown signs of homophobia have they?

Nine exams. Or ten. Can't remember if I'm resitting my Additional Science chemistry or not. May is gonna be a total b***h. ._.;

On study leave in three weeks time.
maya azzy Report | 03/28/2011 1:54 pm
maya azzy
Long, very long, lonnng time no speak. xD

I'm gooddd! Stressed up to my head - but gooodd! heart

How're you?
maya azzy Report | 03/28/2011 12:48 pm
maya azzy
Yo. User Image
Sapphira94 Report | 01/14/2011 5:20 pm
duude, so i was just bored surfing on here...and i saw that you recently logged on and i was like OMG!!! i havent logged on in 650 days apparently....LOL
Princess Tineau Report | 01/09/2011 8:43 am
Princess Tineau
God you're lame have fun with being a retard with no life like I give a f*ck? No. I f*ckin hate you and your loser views on everything I hope you jump off a bridge it's doing everyone who hates you a favor and getting rid of more losers like you out there. I'm new so what? I don't give a f*ck! I'm a freak....so? What's your point? At least I know my flaws.
eliza_bunnypooh Report | 01/05/2011 8:57 am
ah i see. next school year im probly not gonna be on as much. senior years gunna be busy x_x
eliza_bunnypooh Report | 01/05/2011 8:35 am
aw darn...so now you just live in the forums? ;o
eliza_bunnypooh Report | 01/04/2011 4:16 pm
heyyyy do you play zomg? :O