Never Ending Music

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Vv_Sitka_vV's avatar

Last Login: 07/04/2011 9:44 pm

Birthday: 10/31


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Heyy, Sitka here. Welcome to MY world a.k.a MY profile. I'm a very complicated person(You can ask Thoran and Nanuk. They would be saying hell yea right now if they were reading it). Let's see,
I am
A daughter, A sister, A bestfriend, An Enemy, An anime freak, A total b***h, A grease monkey, An athlete. A grand-daughter, A niece, A cousin, A friend A student, I'm a younge girl and a grown woman, I am confident and scared, terrified and excited,I am loving and caring, and thoughtful and careless, I am broken and whole.
I am misunderstood, misguided, and mislead, I am hardworking and determined, but a little scared on the inside, I wish on stars and dream my dreams, I pray on my tears, I smile on the outside while i'm dying on the inside, I listen to others who won't listen to me, I walk on eggshells, I love you and I push you away, I am everything and nothing all at once.

Growing up in a small town, leaves a huge impression in my heart. Around there, everybody was thereself and nobody else. Here in the city, theres labels on everything. Scene, Emo, Prep, Goth, Jock, Nerd. Why can't we just be PEOPLE and NOTHING eles? Why does everyone have to follow some one else? What's wrong with whats on the INSIDE? BE YOUR EFFING SELF! If people have a problem with it, then F*CK them!
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I am the werewolf of us three

He who strays in the forest at late
Becomes like a worm on a hook for bait
When the moon is full and the sky is black
He will soon discover the courage he lacks

The prayers you utter will all be in vain
For no one escapes the Blood and the Pain
The Devil herself is manifest
In the very core of the werewolf's breast

And she comes at night, when you wander dumb
Under the trees like you're under her thumb
She senses your fear, she smells your heart
She'll rip you to shreds, she'll tear you apart

The wolf is her family, the human her feast,
She who is born from the blood of the Beast.

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I guard and Protect her page!!! GRRR!!!!

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My bestfriend. My guardian. My brother. My Playmate. My one and only true love.

They call you nature's majesty
So mysterious, wild and free
As I see your paw prints in the snow
I ponder on the things you know
You are so gentle and kind at heart
How could anyone tear you apart
I hear you at night howling at the moon
To let your family know you'll be home soon
As you search for food for the day
I watch your little ones hard at play
How could anyone think you are a beast
When we are so much alike even to the least
I want to show you how much I care
For I will spread the word on what we share
Your one great enemy is man
I promise to you I'll help them understand


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Kawaii Tears Report | 03/15/2011 9:21 pm
Hey ^////^
Oo_Bubbi_oO Report | 09/14/2010 6:39 pm
FAKE FRiENDS: Never ask for food

REAL FRiENDS: are the reason you have no food.

FAKE FRiENDS: Call your parents Mr/Mrs

REAL FRiENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOM

FAKE FRiENDS: bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.

REAL FRiENDS: Would sit next to you sayin "Damn ... we ******** up ... but that s**t was fun!"

FAKE FRiENDS: never seen you cry.

REAL FRiENDS: cry with you

FAKE FRiENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.

REAL FRiENDS: keep your s**t so long they forget its yours

FAKE FRiENDS: know a few things about you.

REAL FRiENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you.

FAKE FRiENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing.

REAL FRiENDS: Will kick the whole crowds a** that left you.

FAKE FRiENDS: Would knock on your front door.

REAL FRiENDS: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME!"

FAKE FRiENDS: Are for awhile.

REAL FRiENDS: Are for life.

FAKE FRiENDS: will talk s**t to the person who talks s**t about you.

REAL FRiENDS: Will knock them the f**k out

FAKE FRiENDS: Would ignore this

REAL FRiENDS: Will send this to all there real friends and hope to get it back!

If you were killed today, Im sorry I wouldnt be able to come to your funeral because i'd be in jail for killing the person who did it.. send this to all the people you care about. First, I want you to know that I love you to death and i think you are amazing.. If I dont get this back I understand...
KalebLupiWolf Report | 07/19/2010 11:33 pm
oh yeah.
KalebLupiWolf Report | 07/19/2010 8:17 pm
okay kool. Ravens says ur really kool im geussing she told u what happened between us?
KalebLupiWolf Report | 07/19/2010 8:14 pm
idk its up to you but it would be kool lol
KalebLupiWolf Report | 07/19/2010 8:06 pm
lol ur guild seems pretty chill do you pick the positions or something?
KalebLupiWolf Report | 07/19/2010 8:03 pm
nice avi
KalebLupiWolf Report | 07/19/2010 7:56 pm
Lady Bommie Report | 07/14/2010 6:09 pm
XIKagamineX Report | 07/14/2010 1:19 pm
Your welcome!


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Hibiki Kokoro Academy, feel free to join
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Kawaii Tears

Welcome to My World

My Biffles!!

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Me now. Be nice! ^.^

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Heyy fuzzy baby is all grown up ='( Naww he's not even a year old yet ^.^

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