twisted Forbidden in Heaven, and useless in Hell. twisted

Gender: Male
Age: 14
Hair: Dark brown, kinda long. Normally covers one eye, occasionally both.
Eyes: Bluish-greenish-grayish something
Grade: 8
Religion: I have my own. Organized religions are no fun.
Location: Up on Melancholy Hill, in a plastic tree. :'D
Political group: What the ******** does 'political' mean?
Oh yeah, and I'm taken.

Sam + Jay
October 23, 2010 - The Rest Of Forever
Engaged January 28, 2011
Married February 14, 2011

I love you, Sam. <3

Random Facts. :B

-I am Canadian//British//Irish//Russian
-I play video games.. a lot. xD
-My toothbrush is green (Wait.. What?)
-I have low self-esteem. Sue me.
-Ex-cutter rolleyes
-I'm very paranoid
-Almost positive I'm going to Hell.
-If Hitler was alive, I'd pet his moustache.
-I look tired all the time. o 3 o
-Probably because I get a total of 2 hours of sleep a night.
-I do a lot of s**t for the lulz
-Haters gon' hate
-I love Sam more than anything <3
-I want your gold
-I live in your shower, check under the shampoo bottle
-I did your mom last night
-I'm somewhat perverted
-This line is blue.
-Racist jokes are hillarious if they don't go too far
-I am generally happy... Unless Im not
-I get depressed easily. It's a problem, yes.
-Im not wierd, Im just cooler than you
-Or Im wierd..
-Yeah Im wierd
-Im straight
-I can't dance, 'cause I'm too Jewish.
-Note: I'm not Jewish. But I still can't dance. c:
-I love zombies. Almost as much as I love Sam. So yeah, I love them a lot. :'D
-I hate sports. Well, I don't hate them.. I just don't appreciate their existence.
-Posers = Fags
-Gay a** f** technically refers to a happy donkey ciggarette
-Scene kids have bitchin' hair
-Zoo animals are a bunch of wankers
-Public Enemy #3290590425742243920645127582358233.57
-I hope theres a zombie apocalypse in 2012. That would be sweet.
-I know spanish, perra.
-I have two cats. Idk, I felt you should know that.
-When Kirby walks in, s**t gets srs.

Love, give me love, give me love.
I don't need it, but I'll take what I want from your heart
and I'll keep it in a bag,
in a box,
put an 'X' on the floor,
give me more, give me more, give me more,
Shut up and sing it with me.

Everyone will come to my funeral to make sure that I stay dead.