About Me

I'm usually a pretty nice person to get along with, though i can get mad easily..and if I do you'll know. I also get upset and cry very easily, which I hate.i'm not the most popular kid in school and I dont wish to be. I'm happy with what I have and who my friends are. I dont have hundreds of friends and Im happy with the ones Ive got. I love and protect my friends no matter what..do you? I like to dress in black, but that doesnt mean Im gothic or emo or anything. I really dont like labels, there usless. Preps tend piss me off. I like to listen to just about any kind of music, mostly alternitive, rock, or hard rock. My best guy friend is my dear Markis,who tends to be at my house most of the week and hits on my mother o.O. I only live with my mother, my mother and father got divorced when I was very young. I have 2 cats, one named Kilala and the other named Tuffy. I have dark brow hair with purple in it, though it looks more like a pinkish color. I have hazel eyes and Im about 5 foot 4 or something like that. I'm in love with my best friend, even if he doesnt love me. My hobbys consist of being on the computer and hanging out with my friends, walking around town, or just crusing with friends. I live in a small town so theres not much to do. I never write this much about myself so Im going to shut up. No matter how weak I am I will do everything I can to protect my friends.