

Wapakalypse's book thingy



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TR-Fallen Angel

Report | 06/19/2009 8:42 am

TR-Fallen Angel

lol... i think hes good...
its so quiet in the morning smile
TR-Fallen Angel

Report | 06/19/2009 8:35 am

TR-Fallen Angel

hey im a proud geek for your information, dont be dissing my geek hood....
but my bro is good in school, maybe your jsut the odd ball XP
TR-Fallen Angel

Report | 06/19/2009 8:31 am

TR-Fallen Angel

well, i dont like it...not at all... you need to be less aggressive, cuz i t hurts...
but usually me and my older bro got to an understanding that were friends now, unless hes mad then i start yelling at him XD
they should make a pill for older bros to learn to be more kind...and i shall invent it
TR-Fallen Angel

Report | 06/19/2009 8:26 am

TR-Fallen Angel

im the second oldest of four hehehe... old man *giggles*.. the same thing happened to my older bro but my older bro knows if he touches me ill eat him XD (not literally of course) but he tends to mess around with my younger bro though and i get mad at him...i think family is supposed to love eachother not eat eachothers icecream (im still gonna work at an icecream shop one day ^_^)
TR-Fallen Angel

Report | 06/19/2009 8:22 am

TR-Fallen Angel

i thought mine prank was cruel your just mean...XD
i love my borthers though...i mean there annnoying and odd but i what can i say ive known them all my life ^_^
oh and was it a cardboard box? lol
TR-Fallen Angel

Report | 06/19/2009 8:13 am

TR-Fallen Angel

sadly i dont have ducktape though... lol that would be fun, once me and my cuz tied my older bro up and we wouldnt let him go, it was the funniest thing, then i felt bad and let him free XP
TR-Fallen Angel

Report | 06/18/2009 9:14 pm

TR-Fallen Angel

i see....what if we had alot of duck tape?...omg we could duck tape you to a piece of box that would sooo work... or maybe youd hurt your self... but thats what bandaids are for ^_^
TR-Fallen Angel

Report | 06/18/2009 9:01 pm

TR-Fallen Angel

but when it rains, you could dance in it, and play with the carboard boxes as snowboards down a large hill, so what if you get a couple bruises...it still would be a blast
TR-Fallen Angel

Report | 06/18/2009 8:56 pm

TR-Fallen Angel

isn't it best thing in the world... if the whole world was made of paper boxes, it would be such a better place ^_^
TR-Fallen Angel

Report | 06/18/2009 8:53 pm

TR-Fallen Angel

you should feel secure, it's nice to be...
an dimpluss being poor is fun
you get to play pretend with humungo boxes ^_^ i always love doing that


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Our last encounter still stings like alchohol...