

((I do not talk about myself. If you want to get to know the person behind the character, feel free to try, but Im not overly gung-ho about OOC relationships right now. I have another account, and no, Im not naming it here, and I have plenty of friends there, whom I love to absolute bits. However, this account went through some trouble ages ago, before I took it from a friend. Frankly, I don't want any of his old trouble coming to me.

So, 1. If you knew this account before, sorry babes, different person now.

Secondly, Im using this account just to rp, and I don't want JUST my friends rping with me, you know? I want to create new IC friendships, get to know other people's characters, without a SINGLE pre-conceived notion.

So, 2. If you do know who I am, awesome, but try to give this account a bit of space. I know you love me, and my characters, so no worries xD *Ego puff, YEEAAHH!*))