
Wentlander's avatar

Last Login: 04/26/2009 8:34 am

Registered: 06/02/2007

Gender: Female

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sammyo chan Report | 08/31/2009 12:12 am
sammyo chan
i is be the bored and is now being bored on your wall ><
Rage2Rage Report | 04/25/2009 1:38 pm
Britneh Ragey came to spam ya page >=P
sammyo chan Report | 01/10/2008 4:52 pm
sammyo chan
hihi yah jeez you never talk to me :'( lol jkjk and my christmas was freaken awesome... and jeez you are such a ditcher lol well i hope you have loads of fun!!! ttyl <3
xX_Yossie_Xx Report | 12/12/2007 2:31 pm
( >o_o)> random comment~
sammyo chan Report | 11/28/2007 7:49 pm
sammyo chan
cause you are always at ryans
sammyo chan Report | 11/25/2007 1:01 pm
sammyo chan
lol hihi awesome page!!!
sammyo chan Report | 09/30/2007 12:31 pm
sammyo chan
yah! we should do that ... like jazz you ryan phae carmen mack mike ian a hole bunch of poeple! it will be great... i hope they got good poeple for everyone else
sammyo chan Report | 09/28/2007 1:53 pm
sammyo chan
grrrrr i dont want that chick to play bella ... and that guy shouldnt play edward either!!!!!!!! gah!! but i will see it anyways to see how crappy it will be hahahah
sammyo chan Report | 09/02/2007 11:14 pm
sammyo chan
yah well i am stressed to the max!!! and everyone is quiting main... and gah!!! i have been comeing home and crying the last couple of days cuase i am stressed about school work and just life in general! gaaaaahhhh!!!! and mom want to move to williams lake!and i cant do that!!!! man if mike didnt come with me to the park tonight and cheered me up... i would be in my room crying ...>< i know i am that lame... and thats one of the resons i can move... cause i would miss mike and my friends too much!!!! like i almost always go to the park with mike when i am sad.. and he alwasy makes me feel better and makes me forget about my probelems even tho it just for a bit it really helps! so yah i am just a time bomb of stress waiting to explode! how are you?
sammyo chan Report | 09/02/2007 12:13 am
sammyo chan
lol yah thats joe... and me and ian went to the movie ans lunch.... and today was all good tiull i went to work ... I WANT TO QUIT SOOOOOOOOOOO BAD!!!! JUST CAUSE NOW THAT SO MANY POEPLE AT MAIN ARE QUITING I AM GUNNA HAVE TO WOKR THERE D: i hate it there and i made soooo many mistakes today that i just want to curle up in a ball and die!!!!!!! i cried soooo much today.... i got home and just cried for half an hour ... yah i know pathetic!!! so yah i am gunna quit i think cause i can be doing these kinds of shift while i am in school cause i have to do well in math and biolagy or i wont get in to a medical school... next year i have to take chem and bio.... gah i am soooo stressed!!!!



you'll be coming home soon
you know your out of place
you knock on my doorstep
i just need to see your face
oh my heart is like a speeded train

Can you whisper in my ear, let me know it's alright

Everybody wants to be loved
every once in a while
we all need someone to hold on to
just like a helpless child

I know it, I feel it, Your heading straight home back to me now.