
English. (Only some will be in Spanish. > - < )
Name:Kendra S.
Orientation: Bisexual.
Colors: Purple. Green. Black.
Status: Taken [ ] Single[ heart ]
Likes: Cookies. Sleep. Degrassi. Books. Writing stories. Funnies. Fashion. Modeling. Singing. Dancing. Being Clean.
Dislikes: Vegetables. Being told what to do. When my butt hurts. Running. Not sleeping. Being bored. Not being happy. Crying. :l
Me llamo Kendra.
Mi favorita colores: Violeta. Verde. Negro.
Me gusta:Escribir cuentos. Graciosas'. Cantar. Bailar.
No Me gusta: Correr Trabajar. Practicar Deportes. :l
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This is me.
Favorite names that I thought of: Maggie Ryot. Emee Jonson.
(Spell them different on PURPOSE.)
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Junior and I. Jammie time.
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Bob and I. Sexy beasts.