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Vician With A Temper Report | 06/30/2010 5:02 pm
Vician With A Temper

o 3o Hello, sister of mine. How are things going for you?
ll DarkRoxas ll Report | 01/23/2010 9:50 pm
ll DarkRoxas ll
*shines flashlight on you and pokes*
*runs away*
Wiitch Report | 01/16/2010 5:35 pm

In the Darkness. About The Witch

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Hello, its just your Favorite Witch here.

I'm Actually A lot nicer then I seem. When I tear you to Pieces its just because I like you. (: its how I show Affection, you know cause I'm a zombie and all. I don't Like Bright things, I like to keep it dark. And Loud noises Scare me Horribly so Please don't Do any of that near me or I might Have to Hurt/Kill you. :3
I do Like to make friends (: so Don't be afraid Of talking to me. I might cry a little but hey That's what I do. hehe.
As long as you don't shine a flashlight on my face (: we can be great friends.

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Summary From Left4Dead.Wikia.Com

The Witch, also referred to as "crying girl" or "b***h", is member of the Infected, and the only one initially passive to the Survivors. Her crying state and loss of energy may be due to some deep depression that corresponded in a strange reaction with the infection. It is also the only non-playable Special Infected, deemed to be "too dangerous" by Valve. It resembles the average female Common Infected, except with some notable mutations. The Witch makes loud and eerie noises which resemble sobbing to herself when in her 'passive' state. The noise can be heard long before the Witch is ever seen, allowing the player a chance to prepare a plan to deal with it. In the nighttime she crouches and slumps over, mostly immobile. During the daytime, she will sob standing up and will slowly wander, with her elongated fingers up to her face.

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Note: this is my cos-play account.

Listen to my Cries.
