
WildFae's avatar

Last Login: 01/23/2011 3:35 am

Registered: 12/07/2005

Gender: Female

Location: Approximately one foot from my computer screen.


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Description of my Roleplaying Character:

Fae, as she is commonly nicknamed is a child of perhaps fifteen years of age. The first thing anyone notices about her is, of course, her very large violet eyes. They lend her a look of innocence and wide-eyed wonder, and also of naiivete. Her hair is a most astounding shade of silver, which seems like an impossibility when considering her dusky color. Human ... she appears not to be to the discerning eye. Her eyes are too wide, and her ears hold a distinctly non-human point to them

If asked about her unusual coloring she shrugs helplessly. Extremely timid and withdrawn, Fae does not discuss her past or her heritage with anyone. Of course, part of this is the fact that Fae's past is a bit of a mystery, even to her.

In a new situation she is extremely, extremely shy and hesitant, and very sensitive. The slightest raising of a voice is enough to make her cringe, and Fae is jumpy and especially reluctant to be touched, unless she's frightened of someone and finds someone to play protector, then she clings tightly for safety. She also seems terrified of something. Her eyes continually dart behind her in fear that something, or someone is coming after her. She is constantly afraid that she might not be 'safe'. Of course, this is because Fae is never safe. Not really.
At the same time, if Fae feels that she is safe, she is very childish, and appears to have little sense of when it's best to stay quiet about things once she thinks she is safe. Fae is very quick to make judgments on whether someone is good or not however, and if she deems you to be a friend she is very loyal.


Unknown. Perhaps even to herself.

About the Real Me:

I am a mule. My main is open about their origins, so I prefer to limit what I say. I will discuss my thoughts and opinions, but I do not wish to discuss my real life so much here. ^^ Thankyou.


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Goosies Moosies Report | 09/25/2010 12:33 pm
Thank youuu <333 :3 ILU
Yanueh Report | 09/21/2010 10:31 am
Thank you. whee
Calelith Report | 09/14/2010 8:27 pm
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"Damn my blood... I scorn to do anyone a mischief, when it is not for my advantage."
Calelith Report | 09/14/2010 12:24 pm
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I want to be a mod and I don't want to be a mod

...I won't be able to be as blunt as I usually am if I am a mod

"Damn my blood... I scorn to do anyone a mischief, when it is not for my advantage."
Calelith Report | 09/14/2010 12:13 pm
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I agree, but I can dream

"Damn my blood... I scorn to do anyone a mischief, when it is not for my advantage."
Calelith Report | 09/14/2010 12:06 pm
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We've had a few additions to the mods list and the FA list in the last few months, but not enough for it to really help with the issues that plague this site, namely the wide spread trolls, the Rally/MTV people, and the scammers.

I have several mods on my friends list, some were mods at the times others became a mod later one. I'm friends with one mod who's been a mod for going on 4 or 5 years now.

I feel that if we add about another 3 or 4 mods per forum and actually mod the Rally/MTV areas, less people would have problems like they do now.

"Damn my blood... I scorn to do anyone a mischief, when it is not for my advantage."
Calelith Report | 09/14/2010 11:58 am
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The site needs better mods in specific forums as well, namely the LD, SNF, and the LI.

There are two mods that I know of that have grudges against a few people and throw warnings/bans out like it's candy to those people.

"Damn my blood... I scorn to do anyone a mischief, when it is not for my advantage."
Calelith Report | 09/14/2010 11:54 am
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Nah, I understood getting rejected after being banned. I was banned for mass spamming when I never did, hell I wasn't even on my account for 3 days and was said to have spammed during that time

Tried fighting the ban but it didn't happen so I had to deal with it.

"Damn my blood... I scorn to do anyone a mischief, when it is not for my advantage."
Calelith Report | 09/14/2010 11:44 am
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I was meaning the3 day ban was for a bogus reason

I just have to wait 6 months and not break the ToS again.

"Damn my blood... I scorn to do anyone a mischief, when it is not for my advantage."
Calelith Report | 09/14/2010 11:37 am
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I was waiting for my application for becoming a Mod to go through when I got banned for 3 days...and it was a bogus reason too.

"Damn my blood... I scorn to do anyone a mischief, when it is not for my advantage."



No internet at home starting 9/26. Catch you all when I get back!