
WillOfTheRoad's avatar

Last Login: 03/18/2007 6:17 pm

Registered: 02/07/2006

Gender: Male


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d0nt p0ke -Me- Report | 02/24/2007 1:59 am
Aiden of Thalesia Report | 01/07/2007 1:27 am
Thanks for the credit.
P r o f o u n d [Cyanide] Report | 01/04/2007 10:03 pm
Heyo, dude! A twisted hello from the gang! =X .. Er, sorta... *Cough* Very, very twisted hello. >x>;
Shinobi-Aira Report | 12/26/2006 8:58 pm
Sin the Feline Report | 12/23/2006 12:19 pm
User Image
Sin the Feline Report | 12/16/2006 12:12 pm
You are LOVED~ heart
WillOfTheRoad Report | 11/16/2006 2:06 pm
((AWWWWW! *feels so loved* *flails with happy* Thanks so much for all the comments, guys! *glomps Wrath-san for her super-comment-age* wink xd ))
Sin the Feline Report | 10/24/2006 6:47 am
"Friends are very rare jewels, indeed. They make me smile and encourage yme to succeed. They lend an ear, they share words of praise and they always want to open their hearts to me, and guess what? You are one of them." heart
Phiren Report | 10/11/2006 6:32 pm
Hey Will
Sin the Feline Report | 09/26/2006 7:51 am
-flails arms- HEYLOOO!!!!!

Wrath: -points at his writer- If you tell me she's not crazy. I'll rip you to pieces. ^-^ please tell me she's not crazy.

stare I love you too Wrath...

Wrath: Well the feeling ain't mutual... In any case... HI FAKE ELRIC~! I WAS WONDERING HOW YOU WERE DOIN'!

Annnnd I was wondering how she was doing! She in she she. Not she in he she.... -blinks- I make no sense at all, do I?


"Up there. See?"

He looked, but he still didn't see it. He shook his head, but the motion was more like rolling his head, considering that he lay face-up on the grass with his eyes on the sky above him.

The girl lying next to him was in a similar positon, but one hand was curled under her neck and the other pointing straight up into the blue vales of the sky. "Right there. See that big fluffy one? Jetting up off of it are two whispy things that bend downward in the middle. Those are the ears."

"It doesn't look like a rabbit to me."

She sighed heavily. "You can't do this with that kind of attitude, you goofball," she jested, giving him a light smack on his knee. "You've gotta look at the clouds and not just see
clouds. You have to see beyond the clouds, d'you know what I mean? You have to read into the clouds."

He sighed. "I trust you."

She turned her head to look at him, her mouth quipped into a frown. He wasn't really taking this seriously. She had a policy to always take fun and relaxation very seriously, for it was necessary to seriously have fun. "Try it."

He sighed once more and studied the clouds. He searched for shapes among the drifting, pure-white puffs and whisps, but he found nothing recognizable.

A few long minutes passed in silence. He halfway gave up on finding any discernable shapes in the clouds, and his eyes slid out of focus.


She jolted at the sudden noise from him, shooting him a startled look. "What?"



"There!" He pointed. "A palm tree."

Another long moment passed in silence as she studied the clouds he pointed out.

She blinked.

"Wow. Hey, it is a palm tree. Nifty."

He dropped his hand and rested it above his head.

The rest of the lazy afternoon passed with nothing more than soft smiles on two faces as warm breezes brushed thier cheeks.

This account is one of the many mules of Ashari the Warrior, also commonly known as SinOfEnvy or BangsHeadAgainstMonitor. It was created for the purpose of roleplaying Will, a character of mine who is half an original character and half a manga/anime-based character.

When he was born, Will was known as Pride. The manga/anime universe that Pride is from is that of Fullmetal Alchemist (copyright Squenix, BONES, and Hiromu Arakawa). This character is actually a spin-off of a character that is not canon to either the manga or the anime. He's from a Chinese-made FMA fangame called Illusion of a Bluebird (made by a group called Ocean-X). Basically all you should know about the game is this: The game takes place in the Manga-universe of FMA (distinctly different from the Anime, where Hohenheim controls the Homunculi instead of Dante). At the end of the game, Edward dies, sacrificing himself to the Gate in order to restore Al, and is resurrected by Hohenheim (or Father) as Pride. As he only appears at the very end, almost nothing is given of Pride's personality (from what you see of him, he actually has NO personality). Therefore, he's a perfect character to steal and warp to whatever I feel like making him into. ^.~ For more information on Illusion of a Bluebird, pop on over to this awesome Livejournal community.

Confused? I hope not. If you are, then you probably have 1.) never seen/read FMA and 2.) have no idea what BBI is. Thus, if you ARE confused, you should jump into FMA with gusto and vigor--it's well worth the trip. ^.^

The history of Pride/Will, such as I have devised it, will be documented in this account's journal. I apologize if I'm slow at updating; this will mostly be due to the fact that I really want to present his history in chronological order, even though I'm ending up writing it OUT of order. sweatdrop (Thanks to Full_Metal_Edward_Elric and Sammael Laertes for inspiring me...you guys gave me the idea to do this. mrgreen )

Cheers! mrgreen

Thanks so much to these Donators! You guys rock! ^.^

dragonmaster88 - 500g
BambooPanda124 - 1000g

You just need faith that you will know what's right when it comes along.


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The Power of Choice

Thoughts can be decieving...the recent past fades into obscurity...and this short existence has already seen too much. I walk along the road of life, pounding it with my feet...yet my eyes are fixed on the horizon.


Ashari the Warrior

I'm Will's main account, Ashari.

I'm SinOfEnvy, another main account.

Will, by [[Envy and Wrath]]. THANK YOU!