Wilted Destiny

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Last Login: 02/18/2009 11:28 pm

Registered: 03/21/2007

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Journal of Ioneos

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The Daily Thorn

I'll post anything I find interesting, or something I want to share, or just something random so I can get free daily gold.

To wish upon a star~


Dream Avatars

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Total Value: 27,274 Gold

Item List:
Light Gray Leg Warmers
Aoi Cache Shoes
KoNfUzEd DiRtAy ToE SoX
G-LOL Gangrene Dollie Skirt
Serene Eloquent Tunic
Elegant Blue Ribbon

This Ugly Yet Beautiful World

falling star

When I felt the loneliness in his heart, I couldn't help but react to it. Like a flash of lightning I drew so close to him, from the blank void. I didn't know this strange place, and yet I knew it better than anything living on it. I couldn't explain it, and I'm not sure I even knew it at the time, but I'd gotten there - in that tree. His heart had given me form and sure enough, when I opened my eyes, there he was. It was strange, falling into his arms like that; I didn't even know his name. But in his warmth I could sense a cold void as strong as the one I came from. But now everything is muddled, and I can't tell - is it loneliness or ugliness?

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eye of the beholder

He's so sweet, so gentle, so kind and patient. I think I'm seeing a side of him that no one else has - is that because I caused him to change? Or has he been holding this in for a long time now? I've made so many friends, too! Everyone there is so kind, and they've taken me in as their own, despite the fact that I'm not like them. It's strange, my heart is growing quite fond of this beautiful world. All thanks to him.

And yet... the people of this world are so ugly to each other; they hate, lie, cheat, and steal from one another like a deep pit of vermin and filth. They need to be exterminated like the writhing insects they truly are. This world is ugly and deserves only what's about to come.

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red swarm

Now that I see things for how they really are, I am more accepting of my duties. Everything is a lie - even him. It's not love, I tell him, it's loneliness. Because he was abandoned by his mother, he clings desperately to anyone who becomes close. Now that there's nothing to hold me back, the extermination must begin. I've done it countless times before; not only to this world, but to others. You must wipe out a filthy planet before new things can be born. They've grown, bloomed, and have run their course. They've fulfilled their purpose of existence, and it's time for them to leave. The sky will be blotched out by swarms of red - fluttering crimson wings of life yet to come. The destruction cannot be stopped, it has already begun.

And yet... the things I naively held dear to me are still very dear. Maybe I was wrong about him, maybe he is capable of love. And maybe I am, too.

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Don't be afraid...

View All Comments

x--iSyko Report | 02/09/2009 7:39 pm
xD Inorite?!
x--iSyko Report | 02/08/2009 1:52 am
xDD Like my dream avatar, miss Hikari?
x--iSyko Report | 02/03/2009 7:24 pm
x--iSyko Report | 01/28/2009 3:07 pm
^_____^ HIYA miss Hikari! >3<
xxgeramiaxx Report | 01/26/2009 1:49 pm
ohh ok ic
xxgeramiaxx Report | 01/25/2009 11:52 am
so like how long u been on gaia
xxgeramiaxx Report | 01/25/2009 11:46 am
ya same here u dded me right?
~Sin the Homunculus~ Report | 01/25/2009 11:27 am
Om nom nom.

>_> .. <_<
[Shadow the Heartless] Report | 01/18/2009 12:39 am
Nice! I know, I'm getting addicted to throwing random s**t up there... XD
~Sin the Homunculus~ Report | 01/11/2009 9:09 am
Ugh, don't remind me! That part was so sad, because they would have had a happy life if she didn't have to leave... ;_;
~Sin the Homunculus~
[Shadow the Heartless]