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wingnut the improbable's avatar

Last Login: 06/11/2008 1:19 pm

Registered: 11/07/2003

Birthday: 07/31/1991

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phlipp Report | 04/11/2009 12:48 am
I miss the Captain! I was listening to Guster the other day and it made me think of you...and it made me sad cause I miss you! Come back to us Captain!
phlipp Report | 06/25/2008 10:40 pm
Omgomgomg! Wingnut lives! Yay!
wing_goddess Report | 05/02/2008 7:40 pm
nice username and avatar!!
Toxxic Decay Report | 04/06/2008 10:21 am
Toxxic Decay
nice avatar : D
Fiend of Pringles Report | 02/13/2008 9:44 am
Fiend of Pringles
Oh goodness. It's so hard to find a fellow Decemberists fan. Hardly anyone where I live has heard of them or would be interested. Out of sheer curiosity, what's your favorite song by them? If you have one, haha. It's hard to choose. User Image
sinorra1989 Report | 02/11/2008 12:03 am
Rawr! Random Comment for Gold...Totally random o_o!
onocows Report | 01/02/2008 9:58 am
User Image
Grin Evilly Report | 12/10/2007 7:24 pm
Grin Evilly
User Image Grin Evilly says:

I love your avi.

♥♥♥User Image
phlipp Report | 12/03/2007 11:10 pm
*pokes* Where is the wingnut? I miss the Captain!
Celdia Report | 10/16/2007 3:18 am
Love your new look, wingnut!

I'm Julia. Most people forget that and call me wingnut. I recommend doing that. You don't have to remember anything.

I like soup, ice cream sandwiches, and fish sticks; I don't like moths and bugs (they buzz, they get in the rugs).

Actually, I don't really mind moths and bugs, and I don't really like soup or fish sticks (ice cream sandwiches are okay). I was just quoting songs.

Other certain things you ought to know about me:
-I'm very very Canadian.
-My favourite bands include Guster, The New Pornographers, Rogue Wave, Destroyer, Garner, Barenaked Ladies, Death From Above 1979, Neko Case, Kevin Hearn & Thin Buckle, Immaculate Machine, the Decemberists, Joe Marc's Brother, and many many more.
-That thing on the left is my CBC Radio 3 playlist. I'm nice, so I didn't put it on autoplay (I hate it when people do that!). If you should feel so inclined, you can hear some of my favourite Canadian indie music on it.
-My superpower is being able to figure out chords to songs by ear. If you need any chords, just ask and if I know the song, I'll try to figure it out. I can't guarantee that the chords will be right, though.
-The song that has been played the most on my iPod is Barrel Of A Gun by Guster.
-I can never think of what to put in my signature, so I quote songs. I'm currently quoting Rubies by Destroyer, which is a very long song by a band that is not nearly as loud as their name may imply.
-I can't whistle or snap my fingers.
-I can, however, play guitar, bass guitar, piano, harmonica, recorder, and things that make noises if you hit them.
-I love to sing. Whether I can or not is another matter entirely.
-I don't read anime or manga.
-I'm officially academically gifted. Whatever that means.
-I own five pairs of Converse high-tops, in black, green, pink, gold with a strange pattern on them, and blue and yellow plaid.
-I own more Converse than pants. What's more sad: That I own more Converse than pants or that I have less than five pairs of pants? I swear, I have no clothes. Except for Converse shoes, of course.
-I dislike grammar nazis. I don't mind it when people ask others to be literate in, say, a literate thread, but I hate it when people complain because you forgot an apostrophe.
-On that note, I also dislike elitists.
-I love love love corny jokes and puns. I don't know why. I should be pun-ished for it. (Sorry. It couldn't be avoided.)

PM me. Comment in my profile. Ignore me completely. It doesn't matter much to me.

I would be absolutely thrilled if you were to draw me. Unfortunately, I don't have any gold to spare, so I'm not going to pay for art (unless I like you a lot, but I don't). But if you draw me for free, you can get your picture stuck to the fridge in my garage! Isn't that great? I'll draw you, too. For free. If you want. It ain't good art though.
(Why do I have a fridge in my garage anyway?)
User Image
People who have drawn me links to art:

Attaia of the Gerudo
The Music Cookie
astica (again!)
xPoison Kisses
astica (again again!)
Kara_Nari (a pic with my friends Astica, Scary Godmother, and Sonaniaro)
Endangered Ska Llama.
Kara_Nari (Again!)

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Wingnut Has A Blog - Each sold separately; batteries not included.

It's a blog. Enough said.

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