Who I Am

I'm not your everday 16 year old person. =P
I'm one of the lazyest people around, but people say I'm really smart oddly.
I could get A's in school, but i'm lazy and dont wanna, so I get B's and C's alot.
I have no idea how i came up with "wiz1414" as a display name, well I dont remember its about 7 years old as display names on other sites.
I work at an Arcade, my 2nd summer there, best job ever.
Im a very nice person, execpt when people are an a**, then again, who is nice to them people.
I don't like the sun, to bright, im a night person.
Im lucky to see anytime between 8am-3pm, there my sleeping hours.
I like to sleep alot.
Im a gamer since birth.
If anyone remembers the normal Sega, I went though like 6 of them things. Death by over heating. All of them.
I am 1 of 2 people that I know of that can say m4st3rb4t3 exactly like that, in under 2 sec.
I only like weird people for some reason.
My favorite color is silver even tho i wear ALOT of blue.
People say i look like a person that listens to Rap, Im not, I listen to Rock/Metal/Ect. Anything that isnt rap.

I love Anime and Manga, If anyone knows an intresting one to watch tell me.

And talk to me, I normaly can reply to most stuff.
And when I can reply with something to say I say "congrats you've lost me" Or "congrats you've stumped me"

Well thats all for now, to lazy to think of other things to say.