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Wolf Selisa's avatar

Last Login: 05/02/2014 1:53 am

Registered: 10/19/2005

Gender: Male

Location: Wandering in the Lost Woods

Occupation: Wannabe Writer

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Hm... maybe it's time for a business stunt.
Maybe I ought to change my username.
Or I could just dawdle along and do my thing.


Yeah, I'm a guy that doesn't get on Gaia that often anymore. Sometimes I'll pop in to see if anything tickles my fancy, but more often than not I look around Barton Town and end up uninterested. Generally I'm here for roleplays, or games some of my friends mention.

Writing has been a hobby of mine for a while, and I've got a rather insane multi-verse crammed in my head and more characters than I care to remember. If anyone wants a look I might get around to posting about it in my journal.

Visit my dA! (Sorry I don't update much.)

98% of teens listen to rap. If you're the 2%
who still rock out loud, put this in your Profile.

Anyways, WHOO!!! PARTY TIME!!!


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Stories and Rantings

Absolute random spur of the moment writings and a few rants. Also, if you come across a story or a part of one, please critique.


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Artimaeus Report | 03/19/2012 6:39 pm
Well then. I shall comment you back, kind sir.
Alice Murasaki Report | 08/20/2010 4:36 pm
im great. smile
Alice Murasaki Report | 08/19/2010 7:32 pm
haha, Hello, how are you? smile