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wolfgirl_ofthe_shadows's avatar

Last Login: 02/04/2010 10:36 pm

Registered: 02/17/2006

Gender: Female

Location: US


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hallo. i am wulf. [despite my username, which is way to damn long! warum, ich habe keine ahnung!] this ist mein PROFILE, ja? hooray. funness. my dream car, which has to stay a dream for atleast anouther 10 years or so...[highschool, colledge, life----eventually], is a 1964 Mustang. if we were talk UNLIMITED money and time, etc, then the Stingray would be on my list too. but right now, i'm looking at some hopelessly un-cool parent funded econo-car, not that i really mind too much. my dad is not a fan of older cars, and he thinks i'd be crazy if i paid the asking price for a brand new Mustang on an old one, restored. yup, 20k sounds reasonable for that baby, i mean, who wants a NEW one when you can get a fully restored '64 with a brand new motor for the same price!!

any how, i am also a fan of Classic rock. i can sort of speak some german, and i'm trying to teach myself some latin. i read and analyze Shakespeare for fun, and i have a 5'x8' world map, plus a 3'x4' Periodic table in my room. i like to read, a lot, and i, while i read manga, am not as into it as i used to be. once you've read enough of it, it starts to repeat itself, and the only thing i read it for anymore is comedy, or if the art is genuinely good.

i like licorice and mint ice cream, and you can check out my art that i sometimes sketch for fun at:

friends are welcome, feel free to post. danke.



Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.


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wolfu's log.

ha. if you thought i was going to put emotional crap here, then, HA! i prolly wont put anything here, but if YOU have an idea for a story, or something.......


View All Comments

wolfgirl_ofthe_shadows Report | 07/08/2008 7:54 am
HARHAR!! Danke!
iiLOLS Report | 07/05/2008 3:23 pm
i luurv ur music
Arista Spica Report | 06/11/2008 3:40 pm
Arista Spica
you're welcome. [Can't put that in German lol sorry. ^^;]
wolfgirl_ofthe_shadows Report | 05/28/2008 3:36 pm
grr.... me cute sig wont work any more!! cry!!
ban_the_fuzzy_monkeys Report | 04/01/2008 7:38 pm
hola little wolfie...i pone thee with my awesome azn ninja skills

no one can defeat the awesome azn ninja....

XSoubi x RitsukaX Report | 02/04/2008 6:50 pm
XSoubi x RitsukaX
Nice sig.
Lite House Report | 01/11/2008 9:22 pm
Lite House
hey you i realy liked the video befor this one what was it called
gymnasliz5 Report | 12/27/2007 11:11 am
hi u r insane!! lol
redheadmaddie Report | 11/27/2007 6:48 pm
ur not insane. lol
wolfgirl_ofthe_shadows Report | 11/21/2007 1:52 pm
hey, just how old are you if you think i am YOUNG!!


heu, modo itera omnia quae mihi nunc nuper narravisti, sed nunc anglice?


Catapultem habeo. Nisi pecuniam mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam.