Wrath Lord of Sin

Wrath Lord of Sin's avatar

Birthday: 10/01


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Name: Death
Age: unknown... Looks 20
Height: 5'9
Wight: 120
Personality: He is not one for talking to anyone apart from what is absolutely needed. The only one’s he talks to in a normal manner are his captains. He tends to read in his spare time, and greatly dislikes disruptive behavior.

He has silver hair and red eyes, and a lazy expression, and wears glasses only when he reads.

Powers: Ungodly High speeds, Dark energy control, summoning and transforming spells (EXA: he can throw his scythe and then change it in to millions of smaller blades), super strength (He is the weakest horsemen in physical strength, but he is still the most deadly), a decent healing factor, and his personas, and his scythe is named Divus Pennae Ex Tragoedia. (look it up)

Deaths persona of Darkness

Name: Melody
Age: unknown: looks 12
Height: 4'5
Wight: 85
Personality: She acts like a small child her age, but she is overjoyed by bloodshed. When she is out she loves to tease her pray, she loves to get close and steal things from her enemy. The only people to see her act nice is the captains of Death. Otherwise her child like behavior is something to fear… but when she loses her temper, then your end has come.

Appearance: She has very long silver hair that is past her knees and glowing red eyes, she wears a black dress and has a small dagger on her belt.

Powers: Ungodly High speeds (faster than death) and can form black wings to fly, and is incredibly resilient, she is stronger the any of the other horsemen, and has a healing factor that will reform her from nothing. She tends to use her hands to rip her enemy apart but will use her dagger if she starts to get bored with her pray. She can change her nails into claws and when this happens you’d better get away, her most powerful move is called Damnation, she opens a door to hell and chains come and pull you into the darkness.

Deaths persona of Light

Name: Harmony
Age: unknown: looks 12
Height: 4'5
Wight: 85
Personality: He very kind and good willed, but VERY shy, he tends to only speak to Death and his captains, but his is still openly friendly with all others.

Appearance: He has short silver hair, and has blue eyes. When he isn’t in his armor he is in a long white shirt with white shorts.

Powers: He is slower than his sister, but has the same strength and healing factor. Unlike his sister when he enters into combat, he summons a large white suit of armor. He carries a large sword and shield, and has glowing white wings ((He looks like an angel.)). He can summon blades of light to do his bidding, and his final move is judgment, he summons pillars of light down from heaven that destroys his enemies.

Weaknesses: when death summons his personas, he changes into a small child, and any damage he takes is reflected on his personas. In this state he has no healing factor, and is strong as a normal child. Death himself has only one weakness… his heart, if he fell in love with someone and they die, death will fade away, leaving his scythe and cloak for the next to bare. And if death is injured too much in battle he will flee into the darkness to mend his wounds.

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Holo Seabunny Report | 11/29/2011 12:39 pm
Holo Seabunny
Never got to that one.

But if you love Apocalyptic bands, go check out Powerwolf. Their lead singer is a trained opera singer.
Holo Seabunny Report | 11/29/2011 12:33 pm
Holo Seabunny
The only thing I like about having actual CDs is the artwork. Their artwork for Paradise Lost was beautiful.
Holo Seabunny Report | 11/29/2011 11:47 am
Holo Seabunny
I'm a sucker for pretty much any band singing about the Apocalypse. Well, my friend had the CD for Paradise Lost, so that's the only one I have. XD Try searching Youtube?
Holo Seabunny Report | 11/29/2011 11:27 am
Holo Seabunny
Symphony X. I love it!
Zahra11 Report | 10/01/2011 1:36 pm
Wrath~!!!! biggrin Happy Birthday~ heart
I hope life is going well for you~ c:
Levi T Jenkins Report | 03/02/2011 4:55 pm
Levi T Jenkins
Levi T Jenkins Report | 03/01/2011 9:28 pm
Levi T Jenkins
i had these commissioned for you, so you had better like them! they weren't cheap.. >>
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iThe Alchemyst Report | 12/04/2010 11:14 pm
iThe Alchemyst
why do you keep thinking im going to rape you? jesus christ D8
iThe Alchemyst Report | 12/03/2010 7:31 pm
iThe Alchemyst
pm me now Bl
iThe Alchemyst Report | 12/03/2010 7:23 pm
iThe Alchemyst


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I just adopted a chibi!
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