
User Image
Total Value: 325,299 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Lightning Bolt
Oculus Magica
Spiderwick Sprite
Egyptian Gold Anklet (left)
Enchanted Strings
Padmavati's Lotus 5th Gen.
Hermes' Moon
Gold Pocket Watch
Canary Yellow Pimpin' Hat
Holy Gauntlets
Egyptian Gold Anklet (right)
Egyptian Gold Bracelet
Egyptian Gold Armlet
Gift of the Goddess
Yellow Rainy Shorts
Barton Water Festival Shirt


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Viewing 10 of 18 comments.


Report | 11/24/2008 8:35 am


Umm... BTW, what happened to your avatar?! 0_0

Report | 11/22/2008 7:51 pm


o yur profile is grunnys ! i luv grunnys
Amelia River

Report | 11/21/2008 11:21 pm

Amelia River

Hee hee, sorry, I just really like that Hulu lets me watch things I like with captions online. Barely anything else does that, unless it's subtitled.

And I LOVED Sliders SOOO much, I even have a couple of the novels that weren't novelizations of episodes (although I do have the novelization of the pilot). I didn't like the direction it took when it moved to Sci-Fi Channel, though. I tolerated Sci-Fi's first season, but only barely, and after that I lost interest.

I'm just glad Sci-Fi didn't totally ruin Stargate SG-1 when they got ahold of it. My fave episode of that was the 200th episode (Named appropriately "200" wink when they were talking with the guy who made the show based on the Stargate, "Wormhole X-Treme" about the movie for it, and they parodied all sorts of famous movies and genres. My FAVORITE bit was when they were all marrionette puppets.
"General, I'm retired!!"
"Oh... I thought you said you were tired..."

Report | 11/21/2008 11:16 pm


thanks for buying! =)
Amelia River

Report | 11/21/2008 11:10 pm

Amelia River

"House" is pretty good. It's a medical drama about a guy named Doctor Gregory House, who walks with a cane, is very jaded about life, and has a vicoden addiction, but he is a BRILLIANT doctor because he views the most odd medical cases as a "puzzle" that he must solve. It's often quite funny too. If you get bored sometime, full episodes are legally available on Hulu (it's a site, not a downloading thing like Limewire) along with Family Guy, Simpsons, Heroes, Chuck (another funny/drama I like) and a lot of other shows. Unlike Youtube, Hulu is supported by the networks and there is small commercial breaks (Usually just one) when the show would on TV break for commercial. I love it because it has some shows available with captions, and I am partly deaf due to chemo from leukemia as a kid. Not all shows (Chuck and Heroes aren't) but many are. It also has older shows, like Highlander and Sliders (I LOOOOOVED Sliders, I love the idea of parellell dimensions)
Amelia River

Report | 11/21/2008 10:58 pm

Amelia River

Aw crap, I missed "House" on USA!! I normally hate medical drama, but I like House. Hugh Laurie is great. I want to get the BBC DVD's of "A bit of Fry and Laurie". But BBC DVD's are expensive as HELL....
Amelia River

Report | 11/21/2008 9:55 pm

Amelia River

I miss those old kinds of comedies. Most newer comedies are crap and go for the cheap laugh that gets old after 2 or 3 times. Sure, there's an occasional good one (that isn't a family comedy) but it's rare anymore.
Amelia River

Report | 11/21/2008 9:50 pm

Amelia River

OMG!! That is a GREAT movie!! But noone else I talk to hardly ever knows about it!!! heart heart heart
Amelia River

Report | 11/21/2008 9:46 pm

Amelia River

I guess I wouldn't either, since there are plenty of guys named "Leslie".... Although the only one I don't hate is Leslie Nielsen, the guy from the "Naked Gun" movies, and "Spy Hard", and "Mr. Magoo" and all sorts of parody movies.
Amelia River

Report | 11/21/2008 9:40 pm

Amelia River

I never read them, just the titles sometimes, and that one caught my eye and made me laugh. I've also gotten some for "male enhancement" drugs. It's just crazy funny since my real name is Amelia (not River though) and I don't think there's a lot of guys named Amelia. You'd think there'd be a filter.