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: D Under construction

And this is a new account xD~

I'm not new to Gaia - just the account.

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Hello there!!

Welcome to the Dorito's profile!

I am not really good with these 'About Me' thingie mabobbers.. so if this fails, then simply do not read it.

I am seventeen years old and currently living in someplace.

I am in college [starting hopefully in spring].

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My personality is strange. Usually, I am a bubbly and happy person… my bad habit is spazzing (in a good way) on people. Sometimes I can talk too much… though, only if you talk about a subject I know a lot of information on. I like to be sarcastic sometimes but I don’t tend to overdue it. If you are a true friend to me, expect me to be loyal and always here for you… unless you totally screw me over.

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The only way I will ever be mean to another being is if they do wrong in my eyes… and if someone hurts someone I care for… Well, expect them to be beaten over the head with a blunt weapon and set on fire. Obviously, I don’t take lightly to people hurting the ones I care for… and I don’t favor teasing.

I am not egotistical in anyway. Once in a while you might find something I am prideful on; though not very often. I prefer to brag about my friends and their talents rather then my own.

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Sometimes I make act ditzy, though I can be pretty smart and logical when I feel like it. I am also a chronic apologizer... so expect that.

My talents and hobbies I believe to be a bit mediocre.

I play the violin and have been for about seven years. Though, since I have never taken a private lesson my skills fail on it...I think. I kinda sorta play the piano… ehehe..

I love to draw and my drawing style differs and is strange. I am pretty OK at drawing... nothing to spectacular or amazing, heh.

I have taken the language of Japanese for four years now. Though, my speech is limited due to me being lazy. I probably have the vocabulary of a three year old. Though, I do know some Kanji and that helps out a ton. I hope to expand my knowledge and actually put forth effort in it.

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I love to role-play and can be literate. I can write anywhere from one paragraph (not very likely unless not a lot of information is given) to two pages depending on the other Rper. So if you ever wish to Role-play simply PM me and we can talk things out. Px

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I adore music. Plain and simple. I enjoy most kinds, actually.
My favorite kind of music currently is Japanese Rock/Visual Kei. My favorite Japanese musician is currently Miyavi and I am a complete and utter fan. Miyavi bashes GTFO my profile if you don't like it. My favorite band is currently X Japan.
x3 Long live X.

I love to receive Avi art and if you make me some I will be eternally greatful and love you forever.

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Yeah. I am a nerd XP

I love kitties. >-> -coughs-

Want to see a picture of the Dorito?
Then click here [ yay uglyness ]

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The Bests Guitars Player Report | 09/09/2014 11:13 pm
The Bests Guitars Player
Do you even live? I'm not entirely sure that you do anymore.
Wuffchi Report | 06/08/2014 7:27 am
I Am The Danger Report | 06/24/2012 1:31 am
I Am The Danger
So yeah, look at what I found today.

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Laughing my a** off over here.
Nordic Report | 04/25/2012 12:07 am

    How can I stalk you if you aren't on?!
Slexen Report | 04/18/2012 4:19 am
You do it, im lazy/
Slexen Report | 04/18/2012 4:14 am
Wanted to befriend you and add ya and sheet, you know.
Slexen Report | 04/18/2012 4:11 am
So i never forget you.
I Am The Danger Report | 03/04/2012 1:10 am
I Am The Danger
Guess maybe I should, huh?
kiiyoomii Report | 02/19/2012 4:38 pm
I think i might redo your picture D: hahahaa There are somethings that don't sit right with me. Anything you want me to change?
Amadeus Wolf Report | 02/12/2012 9:12 pm
Amadeus Wolf
Neither do I but I guess I had a job back then and the govt pays for you until you finish your degree then they just take it out of your pay when you're working.
Is mother strapped for money too :s .... what does she expect you to do if not school?
Seems like a bit of a catch 22 there. No money no school, no school no money.


[The Woods -- Art Shop][/size:685eec9479]


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Ello and welcome to my profile.
My name is Jaimee
[even though I hate it].
I am 18.
I have already graduated High School.
I live in Vegas P:
I love you, pokemon, video games, cats,
sweet things, tea, mountain dew,
anime, and being a sneaky dorito.
I dislike probably you, people,
ignorant and rude people, spicy things, spiders,
people who eat doritos.

Dorito's Tips:

Don't beg me for donations.
Don't add me if you're a perv.
Don't add me randomly.
Don't add me and then never talk.
Yes, I do Avi Art.
Yes, I made my crappy profile.
I have for the time being taken everyone off of my profile
Unless I think they deserve it.
I like Avi art.
I like Signs 8D
C: Thanks.



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