Story of the treasure guide...

Welcome, weary wanderer, to Tuetall Forest - the realm of thousand silver stars and golden leaves, the place where you will encounter your destiny.
You shall not starve, nor swelter any more, your soul will cease to suffer, for you have just found yourself at the place where all your dreams and wishes may come true, where all good powers will watch over each your step.
But beware, dare not break the rules of this ancient forest, for a cruel punishment would await you then. Is your heart true and your soul uncorrupted, do not worry to enter and meet powers who dwell in this sacred place, for you shall see the UNSEEN and hear the UNHEARD.

If you are willing to donate to our Guild, please send a trade to our precious Guild Mule - Wyrd Dragan - who is in charge of all financial affairs of our Guild.

Please, when sending your trade to Wyrd Dragan, specify there that it is a donation for Tuetall Forest. Thank you.

We accept anyone that is interested to come and stay. Just dare and try it.

Yours sincerely
Tuetall Forest

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