x- Applez

x- Applez's avatar

Birthday: 01/01



My name iz Applez ♥



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Spaztic Geek Report | 09/07/2012 6:36 pm
Spaztic Geek
thanks for buying heart
I Be Nick Report | 05/14/2011 10:13 am
I Be Nick
iCookie-Chanx3 Report | 04/12/2011 8:27 pm

lol i quess tats qood ^^
haha i quess tats true XD omq..
tat happen tew me on sum site forqot wuht iht wuzh called ><
buht iht wuzh different the tumblr :/
and i see o: ihts so confusinq :I even my friend aqreed x3
iCookie-Chanx3 Report | 04/10/2011 5:11 pm

ohh i see :I iht confused me soo muchh tat made me deleted mines xc
i quess im not the type of people who likes bloqqinq :/ sowwie hannah xc
even my friend wanted me tew make one and i wuzhnt even shure about iht :/
i'll qive iht another try next time.. kinda busy so yeah D:
iCookie-Chanx3 Report | 04/09/2011 1:50 pm

haha yep xD i noticed (: i made friends wiff sum of them XD
ihts cool c: and yeahh im qlad my avi looks rich :3
and i just made a tumblr after readinq chur comment ><
i seriosuly dunt know wuht tew do on there :c
iCookie-Chanx3 Report | 04/09/2011 9:58 am

i know .__.
buht whenever i qet on.. i went into an ss
crew and they were all mean -___-
buht i quess sum people are nice c:
i just dunt play ss much cuzh iht laqs.. besides papasaw :/
and i am a lvl 10.0 ^^ and i kinda look rich >-> so not shure x3 lol
buht the people i see there are way richer then me * o *
i need tew catch up tew them >8O
iCookie-Chanx3 Report | 04/08/2011 8:28 pm

oh okie qood (:
idunno :/ i dunt like the ss crews ><
they soo mean...
buht i miss the crew we had when we first met D;
iCookie-Chanx3 Report | 04/08/2011 4:11 pm

hehe c:
XD ROFL! OmqPop ish very addictinq ;D
i have an acc on the actual site cx
buht now i qot bored wiff iht :/
oh chu should play at papa saw alot tew qet money 8D
iCookie-Chanx3 Report | 04/04/2011 7:28 pm

ihts okie hannah :3
omq i see o: thankk for the advice ;3
haha i didnt even know tat > - <
ima try tat :3 buht riqht now has not acne ;D so im qood ^^
Kjino Report | 04/04/2011 8:24 am
Lawl i can't believe u chose mine as Best in Bottle :'D
Even though.. i meant every word, ur cute little angelbacon razz


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