
Favorite Colour: Black
Dislikes: Smokers , the colour pink and chav's
Likes: Gory horror, emo music, Anime/manga, Adventure games, RPG games and poems.
Favorte Movies:

Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children
Silent Hill
Romeo and Juliet (newest)

Favorite Anime's

Chrono Crusades (own all volumes)
Full Metal Alchemist (own 1 to 5 volumes)
Final Fantasy Unlimited (own all volumes)
Fruit Basket (own all volumes)
Gun Slinger Girl (all volumes)
.Haku//SIGN (own all volumes)
D.N.Angel (own volumes 1 and 2)
One Piece (watch on TV)
Naruto (watch on TV)
Bleach (what on YouTube)
Howls Moving Castle (own movie)
Spirited Away (Had movie but it grew legs and vanished ?_?)
The Cat Returns (own movie)
AKIRA (own movie)

Favorite Manga's

.Hack//Legend of the Twight (own all volumes)
.Hack//A.I Buster
Kingdom Hearts (read volumes on the net)
Full Metal Alchemist (read volumes on the net)
Bleach (read volumes on the net)

Favorite Video Games

Final Fantasy 7 (just reached disc 3)
Final Fantasy 9 (still on disc 2)
Final Fantasy 10 (completed)
Final Fantasy X_2 (completed)
Kingdom hearts (completed)
Kingdom hearts Chain of memories (in Twightly Town, I love the series so much I'm playing on a GBA X3)
Shadow Hearts (completed)
Shadow Hearts 2 (completed)
.Hack//Infection (completed)
.Hack//Mutation (completed)
.Hack//Outbreak (completed)
.Hack//Quarantine (completed)
Star Ocean Till the end of Time (on last boss at level 77 T-T)
Resident Evil 4 (...er..I forget)
Dragon Quest 8 (taking a break)
Devil May Cry (completed) heart Dante heart
Devil May Cry 2 (completed...hasn't every one?)
Devil May Cry 3 (.....stupid dog.....)
Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call (taking a break)
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (currently playing)
Soul Caliber 2 (completed)
Xenosaga Episode One(completed)
Xenosaga Episode Two (completed)

Work by myself please do not copy any of these and clam it as you own work.

If only

If my tears could build a stairway
high as the eye can see
I'd walk right up to heaven
and bring you home with me

I'd tell God he couldn't have you
I would say that you were mine
It wasn't even your fault back then
It wasn't even you time.

If my tears could build a boat
that could sail across the skies
I'd sail to where you are
and to where your soul now lies

my sadness would be my compass
It shell point its way to you
After all the things you cried for
after all the things you went threw

If my tears could bring you back
I'd cry threw night and day
but your free from this world now
and that takes my pain away

By J.A.Bown

Fall of the Tisagion

Above the Gaian Stars
Doth shine the eternal sphere of Isis
which cold light gives form to the shadows in the darkness of the heavens.

Apon mortal plane stands Ultima
The fallen of The Buringing Ones
Lost from the divine light of the Seraphim
Maon forever watchs his path from the four towers.

For the Heavenly Jerusalem if closed to him
Its gates guarded by Zahaqiels mighty Aura, Sealing the holy temple.

Towards the south of Shehaqim lays the eternal Garden
Where lifes seed was planted.
Guarded by three hundred angels.
Forever closed.
Forever out of mortal reach.
Doth the hymn of the Tisagion grow silent.

By J.A.Bown

User Image

How emo are you?

[X]You hate the world.
[X] You hate society.
[X] You think vampires are cool.
[X] You write poetry.
[ ]You have colored your hair black Hallowe'en
[ ]You wear black/blue eyeliner At times.
[X]You write poetry that's not for school.
[X]You are freakishly obsessed with darkness.
[ ]You think love is a waste of time.
[X]You've given up on the world.

Total = 7

[ ]You've shopped at Hot Topic
[ ]You've spent over $100 at Hot Topic.
[ ]You wear more bracelets than a Russian
[X]You own a dog collar, that's not for your dog
[X]You're extremely pale.
[ ]You are a member of a poetry site.
[X]Your screen name has been an oxymoron.
[X]You are an atheist or agnostic.
[X]You don't believe in god.
[X]Your screen name has/had X's in it.

Total = 6

[X]You have been referred to as scary.
[X]You have been referred to as demented.
[X]You have been referred to as weird.
[X]You have been known to hate teachers.
[X]You have been known to cause trouble.
[X]Your hair has been dyed a color that was not natural.
[ ]You have at least one photoshopped picture on myspace.
[X]You think pictures look better in greyscale or sepia tone.
[X]You are scared of yourself sometimes.

Total = 6

[X]Suicide has crossed your mind
[X]You have screamed before
[X]You use big words that no one has ever heard before on occasion.
[X]You've seen The Exorcist.
[X]You liked The Exorcist.
[ ]You've seen Saw.
[X]You liked Saw.
[X]You've done voodoo.
[X]You hate sports.
[X]You dress up as the most morbid thing posssible on Halloween.

Total = 8

[X]Halloween is one of your favorite holidays.
[ ]You have an obsession with fire.
[ ]You have only a couple of actual friends.
[ ]You're not afraid of spiders.
[X]You have had a conversation about how you want to die.
[X]You've painted your nails black
[ ]One or more of your myspace pics had writing on them.
[X]You have had the word "...." in your display name.
[X]You love art.
[X]You like art with negative meanings

Total = 6

I am 36% Emo

User Image