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Gaia is GAY. ******** it, NOOO NEED FOR IT ANYMORE(: I've got my life, I've got the most AMAZING boyfriend anyone could ask for <3, & It's an actual real life boyfriend, not on this FAKE a** place. But I love him with all of my heart <3 We're going on our six months, I swear he's the BEST (: We have been together since September Eleventh Two Thousand Ten 9.11.1O<3 These past five months with him, have been the greatest in my life. He is the SWEETEST<3 No matter all the s**t we've gone through, I still love him, & I always will, there is no doubt about that. MIGUEL HERNANDEZ<333 Ahh, he's SO amazing, I couldn't live my life without him, I honestly don't know what I would do if I lost him. We've definately got a very good thing going, I don't care about all the bullshit people say about us, I won't let anyone come between us. I am totally HEAD OVER HEELS for this guy<3 I've never cared for someone as much as I do for him, That's never going to change. I never have to question if he loves me, because he always shows me that he does<3 He's always on my mind. I ******** LOVE him! <3 He's always there for me no matter what, I can always count on him to be there, & I'll ALWAYS be here for him. I could sit here and write a whole long a** story about how much I love him, but words can't EVEN come close to explaining my love for him <3 We're going to be together forever, we have all of our promises to eachother, & we'll never break them. Courtney & Miguel will live on forever <3 I love you;
Add me on FACEBOOK bitches.

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