
x Irish Blood x's avatar

Last Login: 08/31/2008 5:24 pm

Registered: 10/16/2005

Gender: Female

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My Randomness

It's pretty much indescribable. Just read...



I'm a sophmore in college. I love musical theatre and singing is my passion. I'm double majoring in Vocal Performance and Music Education. I love kids! I like Harry Potter way too much...I know, I'm a freak. And I'm also a full-time Christian. I love Christ with all my heart! I don't understand why people have such a problem with the Harry Potter thing. But that's not exactly my dilema.

"I honor and love you. But I shall obey God rather than you. This is my teaching. And if this is the doctorine which 'corrupts the youth,' then I am a mischievous person."


View All Comments

. indescribable . Report | 10/04/2008 8:03 am
. indescribable .
Hey good looking, why the frown?

You always look better when it's upside down.

You say you got nowhere that you're going to.

Can I go nowhere with you?
Aishiru Report | 10/01/2008 7:20 pm
Random comment
hockeyluvrr13 Report | 03/19/2008 4:22 pm
hey amy, its me, ur BFFL
Zashel Report | 09/20/2007 8:20 pm
is that you with the HP game?

if so you have pretty hair ^_^
floatey948 Report | 07/30/2007 8:51 pm
I have an strange inkling that you won't becoming back soon...partially because you don't respond to anything, you haven't posted in forever and a half, and you flit on and off....and partially because you now have no clothes on. Which means.....either you're giving up Gaia, or you've gotten a new character and have given all the clothes to them.....
Ryu_Momochi Report | 06/29/2007 9:11 pm
RAWR! *Tackleglomps and snuggles* User Image
floatey948 Report | 06/25/2007 2:57 pm
Hey Amy!!

I haven't seen you in forever, you haven't been on much lately. How's life?
brownfuzzyboots Report | 06/22/2007 11:42 pm
Hierophilia Report | 06/22/2007 6:18 pm
*joins you*.......
demonic-flusher Report | 06/22/2007 3:05 pm
love your profile and your avi


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Puis qu'en oubli sui de vous, dous amis, vie amoureuse et joie a Dieu commant.