
My Name Is Lena
But I prefers to be called Kenny
I'm 16 years Old
Act Like I'm Three
Live To Be RaNdOm
Mentally Dysfunctional
All Round TrashWhore
A Liker Of Shiny objects
Future ruler of the world
I Am Taken By The Bestest Boy In The universe
Will Bring About The Death Of You
I'm weird,Disgusting&Sarcastic
I could care less what you think
I Likes who I Am If you dont, go play somewhere else.
I don't have a problem with you.
But Don't give me Reason to
I Have Little regrets
Clothes should be optional
I can be complex
But normally I Am extraordinarily simple
I like cookies
And Playing in the rain
Barbies Excite Me
But not Really
I'm Attracted to Dark things..
But i'm Afraid of the dark

Shiny things are so awesome. I will someday decorate my house in tin foil.

I'm going to sell my kids to the martian zoo.

You think i'm fake?what a shame. should I go cry now? I don't care what people think about me, if i did im pretty sure i'd be dead by now.

dont start s**t with me. i will beat you. then i will slap you in the face with my tuna fish, georgie. and... then i'll most likely eat your shoes.
I hate labels, i don't belong in a store.

I want to be a zombie so i can eat your pathetic brains


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vehnti Report | 05/12/2007 2:18 pm
I love your avi ^.^
-RIP s w e e t i e- Report | 12/22/2006 8:33 am
you have been comented
by Gir

fear me
C.J.Moon Report | 07/26/2006 7:57 pm
Ack!!!! *looks at name and faints* ...@.@
Now i'm a rendeer who eats llama's.... I'm an very odd animal.....

0_0 YOUR HAT? *stares at cow* T.T I'm sorry cow... but your either gonna have to cough it up or be gutted!
COOL! Ahh it came out wrong *hides face* AHHH! I'm that hidious!
*rusn to a corner*
Realatively chipish..hmmmm how cheap my dear....? *raises brow* And what is realatively cheap...that you might want...? ^-^
*takes deep breath* *then says*...
Lena dollie cowpie retard poopface nightmare Jesushead! *breaths* Whoa..... so long!
Luvs ya, billions!
Cj giraffe lollipop muffin face chicken Llama-eating reindeer...*0*
C.J.Moon Report | 07/25/2006 11:34 am
nOW I have a muffin face and i'm a chicken.... hehehehhehehe

OHHHH! Goth-style...I'm liking it already...^.^
ahhhhh! eat the cow!!!! 0-0 why...why...wait did the cow bite....
*stares* at cow..you've been bad haven't you?
Why are you retarted....and poopface..lol
Luvs ya bunches,
~Cj giraffe lollipop muffin face chicken
C.J.Moon Report | 07/22/2006 10:22 am
WEEEEEEE! Awesomness is just flowing off of us!!! Yeah!!!
Yea! to eh cow..... let us ride my friend....and never look back...
or we might fall on the way over lol
Oh it's okay...art takes time no rush....take a year ...a week... a day ... it's fine by me!
well....not a year...y'know lol
Yea the rainbow....mmm! I'm tempted to eat myself!
Well bye bye,for now!
Ack long name...ahhhhhhh!!!
~C.J Giraffe Lolly pop Muffin!!!
Dr.Death4U Report | 07/21/2006 10:36 pm
hello friend i cazn't find a place to message you so yeah how is life?
C.J.Moon Report | 07/21/2006 2:56 pm
Ello! Lil Lena Dollie cowpie! That's so cute!!! I
luff saying it!!!
Lena DOllie cowpie!!
Wee being a lollipop rulez!!!
Yeah!!!!yesh! I taste like the rainbow~! lol
yea a Cowie lover!! yip yip!!
...Oh come on! Your so awesome... the
cows jump over the moon for ya! hehehe
C.J Giraffe Lolly pop Muffin!!!
C.J.Moon Report | 07/19/2006 3:20 pm
Hey Lena my dollie what up!?
COooool can't wait!
Awesomer than you... that's a pretty diffuclut feat to accomplish! Thanks buddy!
hahaha I a giraffe! Then you are a beloved cow! I luff the cows! So I luff you! hehehe
i'm a poopie head....*sniffs head*
SacredWhisper Report | 07/17/2006 12:06 pm
Hey thanx for the addy wazzup?!
C.J.Moon Report | 07/17/2006 10:46 am
HEYA! Lena! Whatz going down? ^0^
Yesh the avi is pretty! ^-^
Yeah AVI Art....Avi art! THAT WOULD SO ROCK!!!! I LUFF YOU! Your awesome....!
So awesome..but you already knew that?
Yip yip! WEEEEEE!
Luv ya,


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