IMPORTANT NOTICE, YOU PPL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am like, never on. this, my friends, is a rare and highly dangerous exception. its okay if you forget me. i understand.


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X-Lezarelle-X's avatar

Last Login: 08/28/2011 8:53 am

Registered: 07/26/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 09/26

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View Journal

My Creative Mind

i must admit i have a very vivid imagination. but im not the best author the world might ever know.but when you're reading these entries, really try to look deep into them. They are very deep poems, and they are beautiful when you understand.


EVERYONE OUGHT TO GO TO THIS LINK!! this one. right here.V.V (if you like humans. being ..well... we'll just say human xD)'m-thinking-and-you'll-see-your-eyes

OR GO TO THIS ONE!! (if you like vampires)

ooorrrr go to THIS ONE! (the novel)'s-mistakes


User Image
I adopted a Chibi!
name: Alicia
likes: paranormal
loathes: the color pink and country&western
owner: X- Lezarelle- X
you can adopt one too!
adopt me!


Hi. My name is Lexie, take it or leave it. I hate cold weather. I hate ketchup, and most other American sauces. And tomatoes. lol. I love to talk to people, although sometimes people don't like to talk to me. *looks up at my avi.* gotta wonder why....


I am an artist. I write(see journal), I sing(I have a cd), I play the piano, I write songs, poems, piano pieces, etc.

People say I'm beautiful, but I guess I'm the kind of beautiful that freaks everyone out... But that's not the point.

One day, possibly very soon, I'm going to be famous. And anyone who is reading this and thinking "I can say I knew her when she gets there!" is dead wrong. /.,- You won't know me from hell. Or when/if my book gets anywhere. I DON'T KNOW YOU. Because I'm going to have a stage name, and a seperate book name. So don't go looking on your radio for a girl named Lexie. /.,-
So now u know something about me! Hope you enjoyed! XD

i wont tell u how old i am 4 certain reasons, but i like 2 sing and play this.gaia is totally awesome! p.s. i think gay ppl r ridiculous

Mkay, Insult her, break her heart, see if I don't nearly kill you by a train wreck. Btw, do you know what it's like to see that a cat has your tongue? -evil glare- Ok, just kidding. But Im serious bout the broken heart mkay? <3<--OMG! Sadness.

I thought about doing a complete makeover, but thought better of it. Its an emptiness that overflows with art.

So I'm kinda done displaying close people's avitars, so

here's a list of the people that are awesome!! (be nice,

and one day YOU may make it here too...) XD


ADOPTED BROTHERS: pyroleader666, cody4153

REAL BROTHERS: (i will kick your a** if you mess
with them) greencash1000, luv dr 2

BEST FRIENDS: AthenaTitan, Flying Glass Of Milk