
My name is Mida.
I am 23 years old.
I have an absolutely amazing, Romanian girlfriend named, Mishka.
I have two kids, twins named Will and Akiko.
I have a brother (Daemon_Uchiha) on here.
I work as an office assisstant.
I love sleeping.
I love spending time with my family and friends.
I love to shop, mainly for anime.
I love music, and I sing a little.
That's basically me in a nutshell. If you want to know more, pm me and ask.
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Total Value: 30,083,907 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Easter Bunny Ears
KoNfUzEd rAiNbOw ToE SoX
Rainbow Stripes Speedies Bottom
Rainbow Stripes Speedies Top
Ska Rainbow Belt
Cool Basic Skirt
Lex's Blue Gloves
Bunny Slippers
Plasma Gear

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Viewing 10 of 10 friends


The Life and Times of Mida

Basically a boring, day by day, description of my life...mostly typed on at work.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 12/28/2009 2:11 am


Mida!!! How have you been? It has been so freaking long since we've talked. So much has happened! Well, I'm single again for starters. SURPRISE SURPRISE! heh. She ended up cheating on me and leaving me 2 days before my freaking brithday. Yeah Happy Birthday to me huh? I'm so staying away from girls for a while. NOT saying I'm going to boys but I think every girl I've been around turns out to be a freaking nut case or a cheater. *rolls eyes* I miss talking to you smile I hope all is going well. I know it says it's been a few months since you've been on but I'm hoping one day you'll get on again and read my message and know that I've been thinking about you. I just went through my profile and read all the comments we used to leave eachother! hehe smile I still even have the little rainbow sign you made for me smile Anyways I hope to hear from you some day! Let me know how your life is and how everything is going! smile

<3 Tiffy

Report | 09/13/2009 12:47 pm


happy birthday

Report | 02/05/2009 2:48 pm


Well Since you last wrote me I lost another friend. This one died of cancer. Damn it's like my friends are dropping dead left and right and that s**t isn't cool. I don't know what the hell im going to do anymore to be honest I think I'm seriously going to lose my freaking mind....

I'm sorry you haven't heard from your girlfriend that really sucks. I have a girlfriend now she's very sweet but lets see how long this lasts and I know thats wrong of me to say that but I seem to get hurt so much I don't know what to think anymore about anyone.

I miss chatting with you my friend all the time. I hope to hear from you again soon!<3333 *lots of hugs* hope all is well and how are the kids doing?

Report | 01/22/2009 4:46 pm


well thats good, well what have you been up to now a days

Report | 01/20/2009 3:30 am


Oh that sucks, I'm on rather often now at least once a day haha

Report | 01/11/2009 9:03 am


it was great I got a labtop so now I can go on more often =D

Report | 01/11/2009 1:57 am


Christmas wasn't the best for me because I lost someone a few years ago on Christmas day and also I'm not sure if I told you but I recently lost one of my really good friends due to a drug over dose and I'm still having a hard time with it. It's been really tough and I can't believe she's gone. I'll never forget her beautiful smiling face and I'll never forget I was one of the last people to see her alive. s**t has been really rough and I've been depressed and her sister has been depressed a lot too. I just wish I could go back in time and stop her from leaving and stop her from doing heroin and crack. I don't want to live my life with guilt but I sure have been feeling it a lot lately. Anyways how are you and your girlfriend doing? I hope to hear from you soon!<3 take care my friend


Report | 01/02/2009 11:28 pm


Hey my friend how have you been? it's been a little bit since we've wrote each other. Did you have a good Christmas?

Report | 12/30/2008 6:22 pm


I'm good, did you have a good christmas?

Report | 12/25/2008 2:14 pm


Sorry I haven't been on lol

anyways so yeah merry christmas