
Name: Muro Hasegawa
Age: 19
Affinity: Demonic

About: Usually keeps to himself.
A self-taught shinobi who constructed new kinds of jutsu after bring mutated spiritually through an underworldly attack one night.
Before he transformed as half demon/human, he was an outgoing and kind person who cared for others in times of need.
However, after discovering who killed his family, he decided to form an underground organization consisting of those whos loved ones were killed by the Animated and bent on revenge and destruction through depression and anger called The Syndicate. This organization is usually involved in crimes from rape to world destruction through biological and explosive weapons. They have had a long struggle against G-Corp until one day, Ryu, learns of the growing threat of the organization, The Syndicate, and decides to stop it.
In the final battle, Ryu and Muro had discovered their inner entities through motivation and spirit. In the end, Ryu had won and spared Muro in hopes he would use his powers and newly gained rings to help the world instead.
After a month, Muro came back one day after stumbling upon Ryu and told him he would join him to save Gaia. Thus, Muro became part of GTCTF's ninja.