
Haii (;
The name is Amanda , -Learn it , $ay it ,Moan it (:
I amm 15 Haa ;P .Blow My candles ~March 1st~
My Top 5 Fave Colorsss Are - Pink ,Aqua .Blue ,&&& Purple(:
I Love Tacoss Lmao And Pizza ;]
iwalkk the Halls Of Norte High -
The Boiis Are Like a Magnet to me Hahha. ( Litteraly ) .
I Am Very nice Aka Sometimes > biggrin
Can be VERY Evil if u Push My Buttons.
And If Yuhh mess with me i can Promise u , Yuhh will Regret it (;
I am A Queen Bee as u can see.
Lmao . i <3 writing Poems and Singing , Playing Guitar , VolleyBall ,And Drawing , And a little Bit of Rapping ;D.
Hate Reading -.- ,Hate Ugly People ( Noobs )
Very Spontainius ,Random ,And Creative .
IF Yuhh dont like that then i Suggestt Yuhh get off My Pretty @$$ Page (:
lmao .im the Joker and Beautifulest Biitch Yuhh will Ever meeeet ,
Haa ,Well i will update this Thing Later mkhay .
Byebye $talkerss . Hope u Enjoyed my Info . Cause thatss all ur Ghetting , xD