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the names lindsay ciara harris? . im sixteen years old. :] iveee been breaking neckss since january 1 :] i was born and raised in jacksonvilee , fl<3 but i now live in californiaa babyy. im singlee bitchess<3 musicc is my lifeee.umm, partying, drinking, and talking are what im bestt at. ive made a lot of baddd decisions in the pastt but i neverr regret anythingg. i dont like misconceptions..get to know me before you ******** judge me! im a really nice person if you get to know me. im not conceiteddd; just confidentt. i have a secret that no onee in the whole wide world knowssss and noo one everrr will :] my mom is my bestt friend and i love her with alll my heart. shes always been there for me and i would be lostt without herr. ive lost alot of people close to me but ive learned to deal with pain. im always smilingggg. i find no reasons to cry or be sad. im a veryy random person. i love to laughh and if u can make me laugh then we're friends :] pinkkk and blackk are my two favorite colorss<3 im a STiLLET0S PUMPS kinda girl i love fashion! people tend to say that i dress like a slutt but i dont. i wear whatever i think lookss good and if you dont like it then u need to learn to deal with it. i love love loveee to shop! its a fcukin hobby..i do it 24/7 :] im gonna be in the playboy mansion one dayy! people say i come off as a b***h and i guess its true but thats only if i dont know u. life has made me bittersweet and coldhearted .. i trust no one and i have no reason to. always expect the lowest from the people you thought highest of. people will alwaysss talk about you so you might as well give them somethin to sayy. ive been called everyyy fcukin name in the book and i could care less cuz i know people just like to runn their mouth. i have a mind of my own. i hateee liars, cheaters, && hatersss. ive been to hell and backkk. i spill s**t - trip - and embarass myself. i cant justt flutter my eyes and get that boyy. my life is messed up, ive been through more s**t than you fcukin see on tv. NOBODYS PERFECT. ive been lied to, cheated on & had my heart broken. i've ******** up, ******** people up; && been ******** up. but every hit was worth it because i felt it. i knew it was real. lifee is real && im living it wrong everyday. im fcuking up royallyyy & doing everything opposite//but i neverr regret because at one point, what i did was what i wanteddd. & i got my fcukin satisfaction... my life is mine & nooo stupid bitchess or immature boyss can ******** it up for me anymore. im the reall deall & id love to see you tryyy and fcukin breakk mee. :]


Viewing 2 of 2 comments.


Report | 10/21/2007 2:06 am


thanks for the freind request
Taz Demon

Report | 10/20/2007 12:03 pm

Taz Demon

User Image*taz wuz randomly here*


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