
c o m m e n t ~?

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w h o . a m . i ?

x - - r e t r o BANG, at your service. you can call me whatever you want (just be nice)! i am s-i-x-t-e-e-n, old enough to go vroom-vroom~!! at least where i live.....huh? i didn't say anything, silly! well, onward, for i am of the female variety! please tell me it was obvious /shot. i don't really know what i am, besides being 99% human (honestly, there's gotta be a 1% of alien or something lurking around there). so really, make your own assumptions, i'm all ears!

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w h a t . c a n . i . d o ?

i can write, mhmmm!
i think i can write? ha ha, i'm not sure my level, it's probably lit. or, dare i press forward to say i may be adv. lit~? i'm not entirely sure, since the definition is a bit hazy. i can write at least 600 words per post on writer's block, or 800-1000 words normally. i may be a little slow, just cause i'd feel bad if i vomited (metaphor) a post out and said "here, make something outta this stank". but i am dedicated, i would say. i don't like letting my roleplays die! it makes a sad Cirque...

i can draw, yessum!
oh yes, pencil && paper = picture for Cirque-y! i may not be the best, but i can draw. i prefer to draw in the eastern style (aka anime/manga /sniped for trying to call it something else). maybe one of these days i'll open up a store on gaia... watch out, ladies and gentlemen!

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w h a t . d o . i . l i k e ?

lots of things, really, it'd be hard for me to list them all! because, really, my memory's awful enough as it is, and to force it to remember so much stuff might make me overload! but, without further ado, my likes are as follows:
→ ✔ music (a little too much)
→ ✔ BJD dolls (though i can't afford one)
→ ✔ music boxes
→ ✔ cheesecake
→ ✔ snoozing
→ ✔ procrastinating
→ ✔ video games

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w h a t . d o n ' t . i . l i k e ?

for, without dislikes, i would be inhuman. and though i'd love to run around being all bubbly and cheerful, there are things that just annoy me. i'm just human, so here's a few things that i do not like:
→ ✘ squids
→ ✘ the dark (don't mock me!)
→ ✘ mean people
→ ✘ arguing
→ ✘ heights
→ ✘ vomiting (ewwwie~)
→ ✘ getting lost

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y o u . d i d . i t ! ! !

i applaud you for getting this far, wasting your precious time reading through my whole profile! it makes me feel so happy~<3 so please, accept this tasty-ful cookie as a sign of my gratitude!!! .... and no, you cannot have the whole basket of cookies! what would i give everyone else~? one cookie is enough for you <3<3
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Viewing 2 of 2 comments.


Report | 10/29/2009 8:10 am


lol same but my throught doesnt hurt its the back of my head it fealls like some one droped me on it like three times (or more) last night

Report | 10/26/2009 1:01 pm


BAHAHAHHAHAHAHA YOU SUCK BAHAHHAHAHAHHA btw nina im bourd and sick and its all your fualt so be online more razz
teh dani


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o1) dessert please post
02) dessert please relationships