
I'm not the person you want to spend time with if you're amongst the faint at heart. I tend to state my mind simply and clearly, without diplomacy. I am direct in my opinions and care not for white lies in the effect it will make you feel better. I've been told that sarcasm is my forte, almost as if it were a second skin to me. This sarcasm may be caused by my strength of character to realize my mistakes, even though it's hard for me to admit them but I will always try to correct them. I am a harsher conscience than most people. I see, very easily, the wrongs and this keeps me from sliding back into evil. People have told me I carry a very intense aura and it is almost a chore to be around me. This is maybe because I'm a very diligent worker and have a difficult time tolerating anyone less diligent than myself. I have little to no patience with complete idiots, wrong people or people I know are trying to deceive me. I do not spare them when I get back at them! I'm cunning. Very good at scheming, witty and astute in a somewhat sly or vicious way. I have self-assurance and have much confidence in my capacities. I am further more very independent and not accustom to relying on others. I naturally have the manners of a gentleman but use then seldom. I obviously have a depth of mind and a great understanding of the world for I have seen most sides of it. I have the ability to concentrate (which most of Hogwarts is lacking). I am not one to falter on morals so when talking about a subject I love, I become a passionate speaker and defend my ideas with eloquence and logic. I could defend a point or cause with my life if I had to.

However despite my savoring qualities I have one or two attributes that make me less than a joy to be around. It has been brought to my attention that I overuses my authority. I am particularly unkind to those who don't push themselves to their limits or those who are lazy (Potter). I love to challenge the concepts of others or at least question their reliability. This would lead me to develop new ways or lines of thought. I hate people interfering in my ways or criticizing my morals. I control my emotions all the time, almost never letting anything be seen by others, much like a protective mechanism. I am somewhat of a perfectionist type of worker, never totally happy about what I produce but I am passionate about my job/hobby (more like an art or subject, not like a sport). I have a real thirst for knowledge and I never miss an opportunity to learn even more than I know now. Hence, very educated. I like a job well done so, when necessary, I put in loads of extra work to accomplish a task of superior quality. Because of my perfectionism, I prefer to work alone. Despite my lone nature I can be quite inventive and resourceful, especially if I am challenged, very methodical.

I don't make a big deal about my childhood despite its tragic nature, but it seems that I have gained my personality from it. For some reason, I don't feel good enough to merit any kindness (not used to being appreciated). I was always alone at school (save a couple friends) which would explain my tendency to withdraw myself from the outside world. I learned a long time ago to control my emotions or hide them from other people. I had thee most probable school life: other children used to laugh at me and reject me because I was different and loved learning about the dark arts. So, naturally I preferred to be alone than to lower myself to befriend children who rejected me or used me for my talents in school work. I have an almost desperate need to be recognized by others, to show my worth or what I am capable of ( it may be an obsession).