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So my dream isn't to become the "best", it's to be someone who I'm not ashamed to be.

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Welcome! ^^ I am (a cosplayer of) the Diva of South Korean boy band SHINee; Kim Kibum is the name, although if going by my stage name.. you can just call me Key. Reason for my stage name to be Key is simply because i'm the key to every situation SHINee has, I always know what to do! So being the sweet person i am you can come to me if you're having any problems I'll make sure to read and reply with a good reply to help you out.. although if it's something that is over something so little and stupid, i really couldn't care less. ^^

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Key's closest of MV avatars
REPLAY (Jap ver)
(I'll find pictures tomorrow =.=)

First i'll talk/tell you about SHINee the band that Key's in, just in case you know nothing about them. @_@
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SHINee is a male group in South Korea that was formed by SM entertainment. SHINee has five members in their group, Onew(Leadernim), Jonghyun, Minho, Key & Taemin. They've been active since 2008 till now and still being strong and perforing for us SHAWOLS/Fans. Their first Music video they put out was Noona Neomu Yeppeo (Replay) Meaning "Older girl you're so pretty." It was one of their biggest hits!! and actually did steal many of the older girls hearts.
Since debut SHINee has released two full-length albums, three mini-albums, and various singles. They've also put out a mini-album for their Japanese debut re-making their song Noona Neomu Yeppeo into a Japanese version with the title being Replay (Kimi wa Boku no Everything).
SHINee has done two Reality shows Shinee's YunHaNam & Hello Baby.
Official website User Image

Key Facts (wrote in a roleplay way.)
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So i think i should start off by saying I was born in South Korea, Daegu in 1991 on September 23rd. When i was younger i moved to Los Angeles, California to study, Therefore I'm the best at speaking English in SHINee OHOHO!! I'm also the best at speaking in Japanese then all the other members. Why i'm so good at my Japanese? well i study my japanese when i watch JDramas and variety shows, OHOHO smart.. right? ^ ~

When i'm talking with SHINee, my Daegu (his hometown) accent only comes out from time to time. But when I'm talking with his friends or my parents, I speak completely in a Daegu accent. LOLOL!!!!!!! : DDD! My daegu accent also slips out alot when I get really excited about something!!!!!

My least favourite subject in school was mathematics. =.= When I was in Elementary, I had an argument with a flight attendant because I wanted another piece of bread but they wouldn’t give it to me ROFL =.=!!!! My grades went down a little during high school because I often had to travel between Seoul and Daegu. I didn’t study a lot during school, I just did what was necessary, then did my best at performance assessments. During exams, I would only study during the exam week LOL!!! School was not one of my favourite things heh! but i got passed it atleast.Fans supported me with my decision to take my university entrance exam in 2011.

I used to wear blue contact lenses and paint my nails black HA ROFL I require glasses for my eyesight, but most of the time i wears contact lenses, asfor they won't get in the way if you know what i mean =.=
I was really nervous for SHINee's debut album music video making. I was concerned about so many things. After that one though, I thought, “Wow, music videos are nothing to worry about!” Haha xD! Being the 2nd Rapper in the group At first I wasn’t that interested in rapping, but when I rapped in “Love Should Go On”, I learned that rapping has its charms and is interesting.

Alongside wanting to become a singer, I also wanted to become an artist/painter. I've always wanted a work relating to art. My artwork is displayed in my uncle’s Art Exhibition, Which made me feel really excited and happy.
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I began painting to express my feelings~ Makes me feel much much better =w= Although I think that I'm best at expressing myself without hiding anything~
If I wouldn’t have become a musician or made it as a Artist, I’d want to be a blogger. ^^ Keke. It would help because I writes what I do everyday and any mistakes that I've done in my diary, hmm..I'm not a person who is focused on the past or future - I enjoys living in the moment~ <3 User Image

I would love to try working as an MC, DJ or actor in the future!!!!!! : DDD!! If I became a MC at a show, I would want to get a big microphone!!!!!!
I recommend for everyone to listen to KE$HA’s “ANIMAL” album OMG She's so cool.... *___*!!!!!!!! I also recommend Nicki Minaj’s ‘Moment 4 Life’
My favorite Japanese dramas are 1 litre of tears and Nobuta wo Produce and favorite Jpop artists are Hirai Ken, Nakashima Mika and Amuro Namie!!!
I am the most fashionable one in SHINee! Very proud to be even though fans are now saying Taemin is more stylish than me : / I would love to try styling for SHINee. My hair-style in ‘Lucifer’ was an idea I thought of trying last year, but it didn’t fit SHINee's concept back then. If I could have a shopping spree anywhere in the world, I would love to go to England or Taiwan. When it comes to fashion items, I spend the most money on bags, t-shirts and jewellery. OHO <3. You can look most stylish or handsome when you coordinate everything from head to toe. I once said that if you’re shopping with me, it can never be boring!!! OHOHO My favourite colour is purple but Recently i really like the colour floral pink, alot!!!
Also! Of course i LOOOOVEE Music ^^!!!! My favourite American music is Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Madonna, Britney Spears and Lady Gaga, They have GREAT music!!!! Me and Jonghyun also like listening to Justin Bieber. I've been listening to him alot actually!!! Kekeke xD! I would like to learn to play the guitar or piano again right from the start Keke that'd be fun... : [ I think that clothes, fashion and music are a luxury OHOHO~ I went to the Ne-Yo concert, I was also with there with F(x)'s Amber!! Fun times : DD!
Talking about Amber... Me and her (when she was still a trainee) made a pact that we would have bubble tea together, but it has not yet been fulfilled yet. =.=;;;
Another thing i love about F(x) is that fact that Victoria and Amber both thanked me in the ‘Pinocchio’ album as “fashionista Key”. Rofl!! i love all you girls!!! : D I chose Krystal to perform with me in my concert solo (“My First Kiss”) because I needed a female role who would push me away coldly when I had to approached her, ROFL i thought she would be the best fit for it!!!!! xDD!

I'm very close with every member in SHINee!! I'm known for being the Eomona/Umma/Mum of the group Rofl... I take great care of the others very well and make sure that they have eaten, It's very bad for you if you don't eat three times aday!!! Besides i think i'm a very good chef even the other members say that, they like to call me the 3minute chef!! : ] When asked SHINee was asked who nags them more than their own mums do, everyone said Me!!! including myself ROFL.

Me and Taemin always watch animated movies together. When travelling via plane, both Taemin and Me like to sit in the window seat >_<!--!!!!!! Out of all household chores, Taemin and me both hate doing laundry the most Rofl =.= Taemin always loses things, so everyday, SHINee's job is to find things for him, =.= Silly maknae. OMG!!! I felt like my heart almost flipped when I saw Taemin falling from his bike, even though Taemin, himself said that he didn’t hurt himself much... God!! This boy worries me : [

To me, Jonghyun is a close and comfortable friend. Jonghyun listens to my troubles and helps me out a lot. <3! (Wish my friend cosplay Jjongie was actually like that ROFL : [ ) I threatened Jonghyun not to come back to the dorm if I didn’t win Immortal Masterpiece 2. ROFL!!!! ^^ I got Jonghyun suncream for his birthday while Jonghyun got me pricey Alexander Wang sunglasses last year... Why so sweet to me Jjong? ㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠ!!!! I think that it’s not that Jonghyun cries a lot. It’s just that he cries because he is very emotional LOL >_<!--!!

I really thought Minho had mixed blood when I first saw him ROFL!!! when really he's full Korean!! He has very big eyes!! ouo Don't you think so? Haha!!! xD I think that Minho is very good-looking but he has a very bad temper : / I think that Minho is really good in commercial ads!!!! Me and Minho both like our eyes as our favourite body part.

At my 17th birthday party (200 cool , Onew carried me in bridal style!!!!!!! ROFL!!! ^^ User Image

I likes women/girls who are near my own age =.= Urgh I'm not attracted to bad girls, That is a bad road to follow if you date a bad girl Lol! >> I would buy clothes for my girlfriend of course!! OHOHO! (If i had one). I guess you could say that I am easily attracted to girls who have a lot of things in common with me Rofl!!! I most likely wouldn’t fight for a girl. If I confessed and the girl said no, I’d give up sad really but o'well : / I actually don't mind it if my future girlfriend isn’t my “ideal type”. I just hopes that her characteristics would match well. I DON'T want my future girlfriend to wear a bikini when we are out for swimming =.= Every morning after I'm married, I want my wife to already be preparing breakfast when I wakes. Then I would look at my child before going to work!!!! ^^

When asked, “How many girl group dances can you dance?”, I always just say “There’s no limit. If they show me once, I can do it.” OHOHO~ It's true~ ^~ I'm pro at the female dances, that's the reason i'm the Diva in SHINee. It's funny because my friends and relatives ask me to always perform girl group dances for them rather than SHINee’s songs. I'm the one who knows the most telephone numbers of female celebrities. ^^
I think it’s amazing when SNSD are in sync with each other when they dance reason being is because i thought it would be impossible for 9 people to be in sync.. although sometimes they really do look messy =.= I'm the only one who NEVER treated SNSD like females Lol! =.= Even the certain person who scares me........~ I'm also one of the only people to think that SNSD isn't a really beautiful band.. and i sure don't agree with Yoona being the prettiest female... ew, she's not all that nice like what people think she is.

I talk and gnashes my teeth when I sleep LOL =.= After waking up, I like to drink chilled water then wash while listening to music... my favourite kind of coffee is American coffee. When they’re(SHINee) all sleeping, I would sometimes pretend that I'm sleeping, but I'm only closing his eyes..... I don't even sleep sometimes! because i'm a person who keeps on practicing singing. Because of that, the members can’t sleep rofl! not that that's my problem =w= Whenever the members feel too tired to do anything, I starts to talk about random things which makes everyone’s tiredness fade away!!!

I think of myself as being the BEST looking in the world Lol!!! *^^* I'm not the type that looks at the mirror often!!~ When asked, “How many times do you look in the mirror?” Key said that he can’t count how many. I believes that I have a very good memory. I also believes that having the freedom to do whatever you want in life is very important. I love to make people happy.

My assertiveness tends to be the strongest among the member. I sometimes think that many people think of me as the cool type of person,when i'm actually a bright and active person!!!! I think that my problem is my frank personality.I'm too honest and I doesn’t know when to conceal it ROFL : [ it really does suck, i can never tell when it hurts someone either urgh =.= But i do suggest to people to think three times before they act...~

The food i hate most is carrots but i also hate fermented soybean stew =.= I really love eating beef!!! Yummy =w= Ice-cream is a lovely sweet to have for desert!!! : DD!! All SHINee love watermelon juice!!!!! *____* I thinks I'm the best at making Earl Gray Tea. =w= I try to restrain myself when eating, because if I don't, then I can’t stop eating. It goes to a point that I can’t even close the refrigerator anymore!!! ㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I tend to not be able to finish horror flicks in the cinemas, so in order to watch them, I haave to rent them and watch them at home!!! Lol >_< When I get scared, I have a habit of hitting something really hard.... ㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ!!!

Even though my family were really against me being a singer, The most precious thing to me is my family~ <3.
If I could swap bodies with someone, I would choose Minho because I’d like to see what it’s like to be athletic and good at sports. If SHINee had to pick a member as a girlfriend, Onew, Jonghyun, Minho and Taemin would all choose Key!!! OHOHO you guys, why me? *^^*
Q: What three things would you take with you to a desert island?
A cell phone, a pot, and a tool for making fire like a lighter or matchstick.
Q: Pick the most reliable member.
I'd pick Taemin, everyone picked Onew!! Which upset me... that i did complain abit - -; and since Jjong picked himself he changed and picked me!! once again.. why so sweet to me Jjong ㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ !!!!! <3.

Partying with the SMTOWN family.
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Hanging with..others.
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This section is for my thoughts on my friends. <3

To x SHINee Taemin.
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My little princess, My angel or just simply my best friend. Xia you are so precious to me ever since our childhood years up till now and i know for when we reach 100 you'll still be my precious best friend that i care so much for. Even though i have a big family with 3 other siblings, You are like a sister to me... But a special one! One that doesn't get on my nerves, One that is actually old enough to understand what i'm going through when i feel lost and upset about a situation, One that actually enjoys the same things as me and lastly one that when i call you'll pick up straight away and exclaim "Yes, Of course I'll come" no matter where you are. ^^

I've known you since Primary school, Grade 4. I had just transferred to the same school as you, and moved into my parents house in the city. Of course other students making a fuss about me being a new student i became quite popular~? But i was eager to talk to you! You looked so cute, quiet and shy. My prediction was right, and when i first walked up to you wasn't actually when we were in school grounds. I seen you walking home and i tagged along and walked with you making my greet be "HI! You're in my class, I'm the newbie, Michelle." Or something.... I think i was exceedingly too out there and crazy for you to be hanging around! But as it's said shy and outgoing always become close and for us that predicition was totally fitting. : ]

Ever since Grade 4, we've gone through everything together and i just know it'll stay that way~ Although i'm quite intelligant, you've helped me alot with my studies, Even though i've never wanted to listen to you, being annoyed at the fact i knew you were right and didn't feel like being nice about the whole situiation on you just trying to help me out and correct me.
You truely are a special friend, and no one can take you away from me! Not even 'boys' can get in the way of our close bond. ^^ <3
Just like Key and Taemin i will always be there with you, to watch you grow like a mother watches her baby leave for school on their first day, like how they success on there dream.

Forever and always, Best friends. Don't you ever loose that friendship bracelet i bought you. -w-

To the Shawols.
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I find it adorable how I get Shawols add me and treat me like I'm the actual Kim Kibum. You roleplay with me so cutely~!!! and i always somehow make you a locket; Making Key be your no.1 ;D ohoho.

Your fanmail is always the best!!~ and even if I don't reply I still read it!! I know if the real Key read it he'd feel loved. <3 Because that's how sweet you all are. ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ!!

For the Shawols whom added me but have never bothered to jump up and say hi to me, I hope you do soon~~ I promise i won't bite (Unless you piss me off of course.) I love chatting and especially when we have lots in common.

Thanks for being so supportive!!! <3.
List of Lockets
Porn Boner.

Tell me and i'll write your user down. : DD
Totally stole this idea from -B2ST Yoseob-

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Add my rl best friends:
Taemin Minho Onew Jonghyun Hyunseung Dongwoon Doojoon Yoseob Junhyung GiKwang
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Support the members of Super Junior and add them! ^^
Leeteuk Heechul Yesung Shindong Sungmin Eunhyuk Donghae Siwon Ryeowook Kyuhyun.
I'm in iSuju Leeteuk's cosplay group! ^^

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lVl i c h 3 l l e - - x3

This is a girl controling this account.
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