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x SNSD Jessica

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Song playing:
Turning Page, Sleeping At Last.

Other accounts :
x KARA Nicole , Emotional Yonghwa , 4MINUTE Sohyun , AS Raina


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I am a cosplayer of the one and only beautiful Jung Jessica from the South Korean girl group whom has 9 girls in their group, Girls generation; Also known as SNSD, SoShi, So Nyuh Shi Dae and Shōjo Jidai.

I am obviously not gonna take s**t from you if you are an ANTI-SNSD or a ANTI-JESSICA... for one you have no right to come Trolling on my profile or anything like that. ^^ Okay? so please and thank you.

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Oh! - (Blue, yellow & white) .
Oh! - (Pink & white.)
Hoot - (Red & black) .
Gee - (White T-shirt & Blue jeans).
The Boys - (White skirt, dark purple short top).

[ Click for youtube vids :T ]

◁ Jung Soo-yeon ▷
◁ 정수연 ▷◁ 鄭秀妍▷
〔 singer . dancer . actress . model. 〕

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In So Nyuh Shi Dae, Jessica is the 2nd oldest. Her birth date being on the 18th Of April 1989. She is one of the main vocalist in So Nyuh Shi Dae along with Taeyeon the leader of the group.
The reason I got into wanting to become famous is simply because one day I started singing in a department store, I didn't know anything but i started singing. Since then, Singing has been my passion and the thing i want to forever do. ^__^ I've had the longest trainee years. I was accepted to become a trainee in 2000. Which made her be a trainee for 7 years before debuting with So Nyuh Shi Dae. How i got into SM entertainment was mainly because, no i wasn't asked.. My sister, Krystal was asked, but because she was at a young age my mother told them no and for me to take her place instead.
Along with being a member of So Nyuh Shi Dae, Jessica is also featured in Dramas, Videos, Musicals and has done afew solos; Such as -
Oppa Nappa, Duet with Seohyun & Tiffany, It's Fantastic, Duet with Seohyun & Tiffany, NaengMyun, Duet with Park Myeong Soo , Sweet Delight, One Year Later, Duet with Onew and Because Tear Are Overflowing.
Drama's and series
Unstoppable Marriage as Bool Gwang Dong (seven princess), Taehee, Hyekyo, Jihyun! as a English teacher, Oh My Lady! as Herself.
Cutie Honey, Mini Musical A bully along with Yuri, Hyoyeon and Happy Birthday as a Host.
Music video appearances
"Love Is Late, I'm Sorry" - Kim Jo Han as Herself , "Super Girl" - Super Junior-M as Herself and "S.E.O.U.L." - Super Junior and Girls' Generation as a Female photographer.
The only musical i've been in was Legally blonde.

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My english name, Jessica Jung, according to the US Census Bureau°, 0.49% of US residents have the first name 'Jessica' and 0.0072% have the surname 'Jung'. The US has around 300 million residents, so we guesstimate there are 106 Americans who go by the name 'Jessica Jung'. Lol ^__^ I guess i have a really popular name!! ^__< I have many nicknames you can call me by rather than just Sooyeon or Jessica~ Ice Princess, Sica, SicaChu, Ajumma, Sickal and.. Pervert Sica, Lol!!! You don't have to call me by them, but calling me by Sica would be best and most fine out of all the ones i listed lulz! XDD!
If you're wondering.. the reason why I got the nickname, "Pervert Sica" is because our lovely ageyo queen was telling a suprising story about me!! D: Lawl, She said, "Because we’re all girls, we change into our clothes in the waiting room together. However, one time when we we're changing, we heard a camera clicking from somewhere and we were surprised. It turned out that it was Jessica who took a candid picture of us and she was laughing. We told her to erase it." !!! Mu'haha! I told them "No, this is going to be my memorable keepsake.’ While laughing and looking at the pictures, I just HAD to brag by telling them, "I have yours, and yours and yours~" XDDD!!!

If i had to pick out of eating and sleeping, i would pick sleeping... i can sleep up to 16 hours a day. One time when the member's from the group flooded the dorms, They all had to clean up but myself, reason being is because i was sound asleep ^__^!!!! I was also reported missing one time because i was asleep in the bathroom! lawl. ^^ The most effective way to wake me up is to make me Laugh. =w=;

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I have the most horriblest temper on me!! When i get sooooo angry i start crying! One time i even pushed my manger into the pool. I even won the award for Most Tempered among KARA and SNSD members. Although the only reason why i won that was because i was voted by all the male artist. =__=;
When scared, i start to make dolphin like noises and kick and punch anything in sight. >__<!--!! lawl
My right eye twitches when i start laughing really hard.. One time i seen something funny that i couldn't stop laughing!! it was terrible.
I'm also very popular with the males, me and Tiffany. I was picked #1 artist who fans would like to share an umbrella with. On the poll “Which artist would you like to share an umbrella with” was enforced and over 50% chose Jessica, and the results were overwhelming. I was also voted for, "The one person you want to be with at the first snowfall"
I use to be most hated because of how many times i dated different members from DBSK and Super Junior. =__=;; They said i was whoring and all different other mean insults just because i went on dates with the males in the same entertainment as me. =__= It was actually very hurtful.. but i tried my hardest just to ignore it all.
Actually, even thoguh he's my manger, i'd like to know what it's like to go out with him, but of course he declines me all the time when i ask him to go places with just myself and him T__T!! oh well ^__^;
My ideal type of guy is someone who has to be sweet, kind and someone who will take care of all of his friends and my friends and himself too!! <3 My ideal type of guy is Lee Sun Ho~ <3 I hope to marry someone at the age of 26. ^__^ <3

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I can speak in English, Korean and Chinese. ^__^ My favorite So Nyuh Shi Dae song from our first album was Complete. My favorite number is 52. When i walk my feet go outwards. @__@; I love to play soccer and boxing!!! aahh~~ so much fun. ^___^
One of the things i'm terrible with doing is cooking i such i'm dreadful at cooking!! I even ask my mom to make sandwiches for myself and So Nyuh Shi Dae!! hehe, she makes the best ones!! one time cooked too much food, I don't know how to measure correctly, Sooyoung basically made fun of me for it, so to prove Sooyoung wrong, I just ate all of it like it was nothing, which it wasn't ^___^.
I like to prank the other members!! Lawls! One time i told sooyoung that I'll find something to eat while i was eating a sandwich by herself. haha ;D Teasing it much fun. One time me and Yoona in order to prank Tiffany and Sooyoung we added salt and vinegar to the kimbab and sandwich that they made.

My bad habbit is that i drink too much water before i go up and perform on stage, I guess it's because i get very nervous and want to do my best. ^__^; Although it's gross to say but i sweat alot, and i hate the fact that i sweat alot =__= it's gross... even though it's normal. I dislike any fruit that is related to melons, and also hate cucumbers. =__=;;; ew.
People say that i sit in very weird possions while sitting on the ground/floor. I love to cheer the other members on when they are performing in Dance battles or on any other show <3. My most favorite performance was when So Nyuh Shi Dae performed 'Oh!' on the ice rink <3 it was the best!

The 'Sica Effect' is when 'a state where the atmosphere suddenly turns cold at her presence.' lawl!

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I have a younger sister whom most of you would know her if you know myself, So Nyuh Shi Dae, SMENT and of course the band she is in, F(x). I feel that it's unable to be a good example for myself to be a good older sister and that i feel like i can't watch over her like i'm suppose to. T__T Me and Krystal use to have a very bad relationship.. i didn't know how to deal with it.. but now everything is fine and we're very close, i even made a promise to her that when F(x)'s mini-album Nu Abo came out, i would buy 5 copies of it. ^__^ I care so much for her, but embarrassingly i'll say something funn that had happened was when i was cheering for her on dream team, is that i called out saying "HWAITING UNNI" @__@ terrible mistake when you're the oldest and she's the youngest.
I think that Yuri is a very kind hearted person, I also think that Yuri looks alot like my little sister, Krystal; Which makes me cling to her alot. Although, Yuri is actually scared of me XDDD!!! because of this Yuri used honorifics for a year even though we're the same age. Lawl. Yuri once told me that I'm like warm ice.

I calmed on Arirang when i was asked, that Tiffany is my best friend, because of saying this Ariring gave both me and Tiffany friendship bracelets <3. Even though me and Tiffany are very close, i once told her that she is the hole of the group, because he OH! top has the number zero on it. ^__^ Me and Tiffany were born in the same hospital, We're also both from America, Me being from San Fancisco and Tiffany being from L.A. Me and Tiffany have seen the first snow together for 3 years in a row. After seeing the first snow, Tiffany realized that Jessica was next to her and said "Ugh, again?" then went to go eat chicken. I once said "Pretty girls are always nice" then Fany immedaitely said, "then you must not be so pretty" hhuuuu~~~ Lol Maybe these little things are the reason why me and Tiffany are close to each other. <3. ^__^

x SNSD Yoona
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The girl who i trust everything with no matter how personal people may say it is. We met awhile back, and wow it's been such along time; We've been friends since 2007, t'was speical for you to meet me.. espcially since at that time was the time i felt as if i had no one...
What made it funny is how you were new to the school and just before that thrusday i bumped into you, i remember we hit so hard that i dropped all the grocery bags i was holding!!! Your fashion was so unique for a german girl to have.. well in my opinion lawl and at that time your accent was so cute!!! ^__^!
I hope our bond stays the way it is~ ^__^ You are definitely the description on what a true friend is. ♥

x SNSD Seohyun
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Luna~ The best person to ever get advice from... So our friends say. XDD~!!!! Luls. You're so quiet and shy but that's what so good about you!!! ^__^! There's always a slient one in the group! and the reward goes to you. Lawl.
Being a person into fashion, I LOVE your fashion, It's gorgeous! You always look like a beautiful snowflake even in the summer heat. ♥

I met you after meeting Emily even though you were at my school the whole time.. OTL To be honest i thought i couldn't talk to you or have anything at all in common with you. I use to ask Emily all the time how she actually could have a conversation with you without you saying "Ah" or "Okay" ^__^ But look at us now! We've been friends since 2007 and have awesome (still sometimes awkward) conversations! ~♥
Go on a date with my brother soon. ^__~

x SNSD Tiffany
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My girl with swag, Kayla. After meeting you i think i became crazy... To be honest i owe alot to you. If it wasn't for you i'd probably still be that shy, sweet, innocent, cute girl that had nothing to do but to play piano, violin, flute and use my ink pen to draw.
You showed me how to express myself by chatting away with everyone and especially show me how to express myself with dancing. You're an amazing dancer and should do something with it. ^__^
Take care of yourself! and Jessikah too. ^__^ ♥.


The leader of Super junior and the leader of the cosplay group i'm in, iSuju Leeteuk is a really sweet guy, who i'm really amazed by. It's really epic how you keep track of everything even though you don't come online much, your tektek's for all different KPOP stars are always so stunning!! ☆ I love how you know how to deal with things so calmly!!!!! ^__^ I wish i was more like that LUL!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for letting me be in your group!!! ♥ There was a time that i was so freaking bored of gaia, but then i found you and the cosplay group, which made me really happy and come back to gaia ^__^!!! I will try my hardest to be the best Jung Jessica cosplayer ♥!

My first Jessica avatar~ :
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Lul!!! It's hoot, as you can see :L I'm not finished it though, I'm actually questing REVE ROUILLE. So if you can help me get that, it would be great and really kind ♥!!! I actually need it for alot of things for Jessica.. boo =__=!!! Lulz~

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Group KPOP Screenies.
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SNSD Screenies.
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Art given to me~
By Chimorochan.
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By Alpha92.
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By Masterbakatare.
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