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-x-Sora-Kairi-Riku-x-'s avatar


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my-star-seeker Report | 08/14/2008 11:03 am
My heart sings of songs so soft. Angel feathers could not stroke your hand as softly as my songs for you.
Where the fudge monkey are you?
my-star-seeker Report | 06/21/2008 6:38 am
chirp... chirp.. chirp...
my-star-seeker Report | 05/01/2008 6:06 pm
Do you not get on much?
my-star-seeker Report | 04/22/2008 3:06 pm
yey!!! Inuyasha is awesome (sit boy!!!!) Kira is my favorite in deathnote (L deserved to die) and Naruto is AMAZING (although I wanna see shippuden). Go book writing!!! (I liked you better without the shades ;P) Make a journal entry or a custom box thing and make summmaries of the books you make. If you write summaries I'll read them and I'll post some of my own on my profile.
my-star-seeker Report | 04/21/2008 9:21 am
Yeeeeeeeey!!!!!!!!!! I am the frst one to comment!!!! Okay, this guy is an AWESOME book writer so add him to your list!!!!!!!
Ukes, he's a keeper.

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