
my name is jisun.
i originally come from korea but i've lived in hong kong for most of my life.
i will be nineteen in six days.
harry potter is my life.
i don't know how to ride a two-wheeler.
the smell of cucumbers is repulsive to me.
i don't like pizza.
pink is my favorite color. so are black and green.
i don't believe in labels.
or stereotypes. or hatred. or racism. i hate all of those.
i'm all for gay and lesbian rights.
i used to not be until i found out that one of my bffs is gay.
alex is a sweetheart. i've known him since we were four or five.
he still is a cutie. i love him so much.
my friends are everything to me. hurt them and i'll hurt you.
i love karaoke.
i love watching movies and tv shows.
i love writing. it's a way of gathering thoughts and making sense of my life.
i have a tumblr. ask me for it.
i love roleplaying.
i'm often indecisive about things.
i am somewhat of a perfectionist.
my short term memory sucks but my long term memory is wow.
i know english, korean, mandarin, and spanish.
most comfortable in english, then spanish. weird.
i know only a little korean. i know enough to get around korea but not enough to hold a long (or even a short) conversation.
i fall for guys way too easily.
i love halloween because i love dressing up.
i'm very outgoing and sociable. i love meeting new people.
i love music. listening and playing. i play the piano.
i tried guitar, flute, percussion, cello, recorder, clarinet, and i sang in the choir.
but only singing and the piano are my favorites.
i don't sing in a choir anymore but i certainly love singing!
i'm a huge spender. gimme money and i'll go wild at the shopping malls.
i have great color sense. i can mix and match well.
i recently got rehooked onto photoshop cs.
need more info? just ask! (:
wanna leave me a comment? of course you do.
send me an owl