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From: Village Hidden Among Waterfalls

Ring: North, worn on left middle finger.

Partner: Hidan

Abilities: He can use all elemental techniques because he has five hearts which remain on his back until they're needed (in the form of white masks) and become black masses made of tentacle like tendrils when summoned (the tentacles by themselves can be used as weapons). Each heart can use the techniques and has the element that its past owner had. These hearts are stolen from their owners and allows for Kakuzu to be 'immortal'. Lastly, Kakuzu is able to harden his skin to the point of being impenetrable to physical attacks.

Profile: Kakuzu believes that there's nothing to the world but money and will only invest himself in things that will bring him a return. He is basically the treasurer of the Akatsuki and often goes on side missions collecting bounties. He was paired with Hidan because they are both immortal and no matter how annoying Hidan may be, Kakuzu cannot kill him, as he has done with many partners in the past whenever he is driven into a rage by them. Despite this they rarely get along and have very different ideals, but even so when the time calls for it they can work well together.

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Report | 02/17/2009 4:06 pm


-The trip to the base was uneventful and lacking in conversation since both of them were unwilling to speak to eachother.-

Report | 02/17/2009 3:43 pm


He hopped on the boat right after his partner, not expecting him do to something as courteous as wait for him. He sat as far away from him as the boat would allow, crossing his arms and glaring at the water as they went.

Report | 02/17/2009 3:36 pm


He glared back and put his cloak on before fastening his scythe to his back and hiding his pike inside his cloak. He followed his partner to the docks, silently seething.

Report | 02/17/2009 3:16 pm


Hidan swore when the building fell on him but didn't move from his spot. He'd done plenty to piss off his god lately, he wasn't about to cut a prayer short because his b*****d partner wanted to throw a tantrum. Once he was finished he sat up and moved the debris from on top of him to get out of the wreckage. He growled as he pulled the broken glass from his chest and cursed when he realized some of it had broken off inside. That was going to be a b***h later.

******** Kakuzu! Dropping a ******** pub on him like that! He hadn't done anything all that ******** wrong! He wondered what his miser of a partner would have done if someone had tried to steal his ******** money! Angrily he stormed towards the hotel, knowing Kakuzu had likely gone to get their stuff.

Report | 02/17/2009 3:03 pm


Hidan glared up at his partner. He knew that the vacation was likely over now since the hotel wouldn't want to be harboring a murderer, but he didn't really care. He had no regrets about what he'd done. "The b*****d tried to steal my rosary." Then he closed his eyes to finish his prayer. That was all the explanation Hidan felt was needed.

Report | 02/17/2009 2:50 pm


Once he'd killed the bartender and a few other people who'd come in in the middle of it Hidan had gone slipped his rosary back into it's proper place around his neck. He felt so much better having it resting back against his chest. He'd even managed to get over the worst of his hang over! He didn't have his pike with him so he'd gone behind the bar to find something long and relatively sharp. The best he came up with was busting the mirror back there and using one of the resulting shards for his ritual. He'd been on his symbol for about fifteen minutes before his partner walked into the bar.

Report | 02/17/2009 2:32 pm


He burst inside and immediately drew several strange looks from the occupants of the pub. It was the middle of the day so the place was relatively empty, but almost every person there took notice of the crazy half naked albino that had just nearly ripped the door off it's hinges. "Has anyone here seen my ******** rosary?!" He screamed at the people staring at him. A few people shook their heads in the negative while a few more tried to go back to what they were doing and avoid a confrontation with the crazy holy man. Hidan didn't recognize anyone from the night before, well he couldn't really remember any faces in particular to recognize but that was besides the point, so he couldn't really single any one out to question. Determinedly he started searching the floors and even overturning a few tables in his search. The bartender didn't like that very much so he and two large bouncers made their way over him. One of those bartenders happened to be the one who'd fought with Hidan the night before and wasn't really looking forward to another confrontation.

"Excuse me sir but what the hell do you think you're doing?!" The bartender exclaimed in a very miffed voice.

"I'm lookin for my ******** rosary cocksucker! What does it ******** look like I'm doin?" Hidan wasn't very happy about being interrupted in his search and the pounding headache he had was aggravated by the man's high pitched voice.

"Well I'm afraid you're not going to find it here now please leave!"

"No! ******** you! This is the last place I ******** had it so I know it's ******** here! I'm not leaving without it!" He responded and got right up in the little bastards face. Bartender man didn't seem to like that at all and gave the signal for the two men flanking him to 'escort' the crazy albino out.

Now, Hidan did have a hangover and that lowered his fighting ability somewhat, but he was also flaming pissed and on a crazy rampage so that kinda made up for it. Even without a weapon he easily kicked the crap out of the two bouncers and rounded on the bartender who looked quite a bit more frightened than he did before. A large portion of the people that were there decided they really needed to be elsewhere once the fighting had started and that left Hidan mostly alone with the quaking little man and he glared at him with every once of anger he had. When bartender man produced his rosary from the inside of his vest and stuttered an appology claiming he'd thought the thing would be worth something and that was why he hadn't said anything Hidan saw red.

Hidan didn't have a weapon on him just then, but Jashin sama still got a sacrifice.

Report | 02/17/2009 1:50 pm


He kept his eyes on the ground as he stormed through the hells, hoping that maybe the string had just broken while he was walking or something. No luck. When he got to the lobby he all but ran to the front desk and asked the lady there if anything like his rosary had turned up. He wasn't being very polite and he was yelling more than not but around all the swears and threats she was able to give him an answer. It wasn't the one he'd wanted and he found himself wishing he'd grabbed one of his weapons. Leaving the slightly frightened girl behind he went outside and made his way toward the pub they'd gone to last night.

Report | 02/17/2009 1:34 pm


He finished his coffee then managed to pull himself back onto the bed. He needed a shower and he needed to fix his hair. He also needed to do his morning prayer, which he hadn't been up early enough for. He'd pray then he'd take a nap and get his shower. He reached up to grab his rosary to begin his prayer, only to have his hand come in contact with nothing but skin. His eyes shot wide open and he felt his stomach drop. He groped around his chest and neck frantically, trying to deny what was becoming far too apparent far too quickly. His rosary was missing.

Ignoring his spinning head and flipping stomach he shot up and searched around the bed. Nothing. He scrambled into the floor to go through the messy blankets from the night before. Still nothing. Nearing a state of insanity he tore the room apart and still couldn't find his precious necklace. He quickly found his pants and shoes and darted out of the room once he'd put them on. He'd have to retrace his steps and pray like hell that no one had taken his rosary. If anyone had, then they'd better start praying too.

((OOC: lol I thought of something. ^_^))

Report | 02/17/2009 12:30 pm


Hidan watched Kakuzu leave and glared at the closed door, trying to ignore the uneasy feeling in his stomach at being left behind while Kakuzu ran off to do stuff. He was coming back, he told himself and focused on sipping at his coffee, trying to will away his headache.


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